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PHP - Manual: bbcode_create

来源:网络转载 浏览:43218次 时间:2024-02-27
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  • PHP 手册
  • 函数参考
  • 文本处理
  • BBCode
  • BBCode 函数


(PECL bbcode >= 0.9.0)

bbcode_create — Create a BBCode Resource


bbcode_create ([ array $bbcode_initial_tags = NULL ] ) : resource

This function returns a new BBCode Resource used to parse BBCode strings.



An associative array containing the tag names as keys and parameters required to correctly parse BBCode as their value. The following key/value pairs are supported:

  • flags optional - a flag set based on the BBCODE_FLAGS_* constants.
  • type required - an int indicating the type of tag. Use the BBCODE_TYPE_* constants.
  • open_tag required - the HTML replacement string for the open tag.
  • close_tag required - the HTML replacement string for the close tag.
  • default_arg optional - use this value as the default argument if none is provided and tag_type is of type OPTARG.
  • content_handling optional - Gives the callback used for modification of the content. Object Oriented Notation supported only since 0.10.1 callback prototype is string name(string $content, string $argument)
  • param_handling optional - Gives the callback used for modification of the argument. Object Oriented Notation supported only since 0.10.1 callback prototype is string name(string $content, string $argument)
  • childs optional - List of accepted children for the tag. The format of the list is a comma separated string. If the list starts with ! it will be the list of rejected children for the tag.
  • parent optional - List of accepted parents for the tag. The format of the list is a comma separated string.


Returns a BBCode_Container


Example #1 bbcode_create() example

    ''=>         array('type'=>BBCODE_TYPE_ROOT,  'childs'=>'!i'),
    'i'=>        array('type'=>BBCODE_TYPE_NOARG, 'open_tag'=>'<i>',
                    'close_tag'=>'</i>', 'childs'=>'b'),
    'url'=>      array('type'=>BBCODE_TYPE_OPTARG,
                    'open_tag'=>'<a href="{PARAM}">', 'close_tag'=>'</a>',
    'img'=>      array('type'=>BBCODE_TYPE_NOARG,
                    'open_tag'=>'<img src="', 'close_tag'=>'" />',
    'b'=>        array('type'=>BBCODE_TYPE_NOARG, 'open_tag'=>'<b>',
[b]Bold Text[/b]
[i]Italic Text[/i]
[url=http://pecl.php.net/][b]Content Text[/b][/url]
echo bbcode_parse($BBHandler,$text);


<b>Bold Text</b>
[i]Italic Text[/i]
<a href="http://www.php.net/">http://www.php.net/</a>
<a href="http://pecl.php.net/"><b>Content Text</b></a>
<img src="http://static.php.net/www.php.net/images/php.gif" />
<a href="http://www.php.net/">
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User Contributed Notes 1 note

up down 25 rothenbergxxx at gmail dot com9 years ago For those without the BBCode extension, here's a relatively elegant function to do the trick.
Keep in mind that if you're using XHTML and one of your users tries to overlap lags <b>Like <i>so</b></i>, it will invalidate your markup. Still working on an expression for this.

    function bb_parse($string) {
        $tags = 'b|i|size|color|center|quote|url|img';
        while (preg_match_all('`\[('.$tags.')=?(.*?)\](.+?)\[/\1\]`', $string, $matches)) foreach ($matches[0] as $key => $match) {
            list($tag, $param, $innertext) = array($matches[1][$key], $matches[2][$key], $matches[3][$key]);
            switch ($tag) {
                case 'b': $replacement = "<strong>$innertext</strong>"; break;
                case 'i': $replacement = "<em>$innertext</em>"; break;
                case 'size': $replacement = "<span style=\"font-size: $param;\">$innertext</span>"; break;
                case 'color': $replacement = "<span style=\"color: $param;\">$innertext</span>"; break;
                case 'center': $replacement = "<div class=\"centered\">$innertext</div>"; break;
                case 'quote': $replacement = "<blockquote>$innertext</blockquote>" . $param? "<cite>$param</cite>" : ''; break;
                case 'url': $replacement = '<a href="' . ($param? $param : $innertext) . "\">$innertext</a>"; break;
                case 'img':
                    list($width, $height) = preg_split('`[Xx]`', $param);
                    $replacement = "<img src=\"$innertext\" " . (is_numeric($width)? "width=\"$width\" " : '') . (is_numeric($height)? "height=\"$height\" " : '') . '/>';
                case 'video':
                    $videourl = parse_url($innertext);
                    parse_str($videourl['query'], $videoquery);
                    if (strpos($videourl['host'], 'youtube.com') !== FALSE) $replacement = '<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/' . $videoquery['v'] . '" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="344"></embed>';
                    if (strpos($videourl['host'], 'google.com') !== FALSE) $replacement = '<embed src="http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docid=' . $videoquery['docid'] . '" width="400" height="326" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed>';
            $string = str_replace($match, $replacement, $string);
        return $string;

[EDIT BY danbrown AT php DOT net: Contains a bugfix provided by (ramonvandam AT gmail DOT com) on 04-SEP-09 to address an improperly-defined parameter.  Also contains a bugfix provided by (pompei2 AT gmail DOT com) on 15-FEB-10 to address improperly-closed tags.  Plus, contains another bugfix provided by (angad AT wootify DOT com) on 18-JUL-2011 to fix an issue where unsupported tags provided to the function could cause the script to time out.]
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