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PHP - Manual: ftp_size

来源:网络转载 浏览:46402次 时间:2024-03-23
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  • FTP
  • FTP 函数


(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

ftp_size — 返回指定文件的大小


ftp_size(resource $ftp, string $filename): int

ftp_size() 函数返回指定文件的大小(以字节为单位)。





FTP 连接的链接标识符。




成功时返回文件大小,错误返回 -1 。


示例 #1 ftp_size() 示例


$file = 'somefile.txt';

// 简单基本连接
$conn_id = ftp_connect($ftp_server);

// 使用用户名和密码进行登录
$login_result = ftp_login($conn_id, $ftp_user_name, $ftp_user_pass);

// 获取 $file 文件大小
$res = ftp_size($conn_id, $file);

if ($res != -1) {
    echo "size of $file is $res bytes";
} else {
    echo "couldn't get the size";

// 关闭连接



  • ftp_rawlist() - 返回指定目录下文件的详细列表
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User Contributed Notes 11 notes

up down 4 gerben at gerbs dot net9 years ago To overcome the 2 GB limitation, the ftp_raw solution below is probably the nicest. You can also perform this command using regular FTP commands:

$response =  ftp_raw($ftpConnection, "SIZE $filename");
$filesize = floatval(str_replace('213 ', '', $response[0]));

[However, this] is insufficient for use on directories. As per RFC 3659 (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3659#section-4.2), servers should return error 550 (File not found) if the command is issued on something else than a file, or if some other error occurred. For example, Filezilla indeed returns this string when using the ftp_raw command on a directory:

array(1) {
  string(18) "550 File not found"

RFC 959 (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc959) dictates that the returned string always consists of exactly 3 digits, followed by 1 space, followed by some text. (Multi-line text is allowed, but I am ignoring that.) So it is probably better to split the string with substr, or even a regular expression.

$response = ftp_raw($ftp, "SIZE $filename");
$responseCode = substr($response[0], 0, 3);
$responseMessage = substr($response[0], 4);

Or with a regular expression:

$response = ftp_raw($ftp, "SIZE $filename");
if (preg_match("/^(\\d{3}) (.*)$/", $response[0], $matches) == 0)
    throw new Exception("Unable to parse FTP reply: ".$response[0]);
list($response, $responseCode, $responseMessage) = $matches;

You could then decide to assume that response code '550' means that it's a directory. I guess that's just as 'dangerous' as assuming that ftp_size -1 means that it's a directory.
up down 1 chuck at t8design dot com16 years ago note that project_t4 at hotmail dot com's example above doesn't work in general, though it works on his Win2K/Apache server; as far as I can tell there is no way to check over ftp whether a directory exists.  This function's behavior given a directory name seems to be at least somewhat dependent on your OS, web server, or ftp server, I don't know which. up down 1 project_t4 at hotmail dot com18 years ago Just to let people out there know, on my windows 2000 server running Apache and php i was returned 0 not -1 for directories.

foreach ($dir_list as $item)
      if(ftp_size($conn_id, $item) == "0")
      echo "<br>Directory:: ".$item;
      } else {
      echo "<br>File:: ".$item;

This outputs a list of the remote directory and indicates which items are directories and which are files.
up down 0 ibeono at gmail dot com10 years ago If you experience troubles with size of large file then you can use ftp_rawlist function and parse it result up down 0 adams[AT]techweavers[DOT]net17 years ago Well this function is nice but if you have files larger then 2.1Gb or 2.1 Billion Bytes you cannot get its size. up down 0 Anonymous17 years ago To get a dirsize recursive you can use this simple function:

<?php # copyright by fackelkind | codeMaster
    function getRecDirSize ($connection, $dir){
        $temp = ftp_rawlist ($connection, "-alR $dir");
        foreach ($temp as $file){
            if (ereg ("([-d][rwxst-]+).* ([0-9]) ([a-zA-Z0-9]+).* ([a-zA-Z0-9]+).* ([0-9]*) ([a-zA-Z]+[0-9: ]*[0-9]) ([0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}) (.+)", $file, $regs)){ 
                $isdir = (substr ($regs[1],0,1) == "d");
                if (!$isdir)
                    $size += $regs[5];
        return $size;
    $dirSize = getRecDirSize ($conID, "/");
up down 0 nicke_ at at_h9k dot com18 years ago This will return the filesize on remote host and the size if you download it in FTP_BINARY mode. If you are using FTP_ASCII in ftp_get() the size can be changed. up down 0 victor59 at yahoo dot com dot hk19 years ago $file= 'filename with space.txt';
$size = ftp_size($this->ftp, urldecode($file) );

this one can correctly return the size
otherwize, it always return -1
up down -1 miccots at gmail dot com14 years ago 2 adams[AT]techweavers[DOT]net:
To get a size of large file (f. ex.: 3.2 Gb) you have to format the result returned by ftp_size():

$size = sprintf ("%u", ftp_size($connection, $file_name));

So you can get the real size of big files. But this method is not good for checking is this a dir (when ftp_size() returns -1).
up down -1 C_Muller14 years ago For checking if a certain folder exists try using ftp_nlist() function to get a directory list in array. By using in_array('foldername') you can find out if it is there or not. up down -2 bluerain [at] telenet [dot] be12 years ago To overcome the 2GB file size limit, you can open your own socket to get the file size of a large file. Quick and dirty script:

$socket=fsockopen($hostName, 21);
$t=fgets($socket, 128);
fwrite($socket, "USER $myLogin\r\n");
$t=fgets($socket, 128);
fwrite($socket, "PASS $myPass\r\n");
$t=fgets($socket, 128);
fwrite($socket, "SIZE $fileName\r\n");
$t=fgets($socket, 128);
$fileSize=floatval(str_replace("213 ","",$t));
echo $fileSize;
fwrite($socket, "QUIT\r\n");
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