The big consignment of t-shirts goes on sale in the shop before the beginning of the spring. In all nn types of t-shirts go on sale. The t-shirt of the ii -th type has two integer parameters — c_{i}ci and q_{i}qi , where c_{i}ci — is the price of the ii -th type t-shirt, q_{i}qi — is the quality of the ii -th type t-shirt. It should be assumed that the unlimited number of t-shirts of each type goes on sale in the shop, but in general the quality is not concerned with the price.
As predicted, kk customers will come to the shop within the next month, the jj -th customer will get ready to spend up to b_{j}bj on buying t-shirts.
All customers have the same strategy. First of all, the customer wants to buy the maximum possible number of the highest quality t-shirts, then to buy the maximum possible number of the highest quality t-shirts from residuary t-shirts and so on. At the same time among several same quality t-shirts the customer will buy one that is cheaper. The customers don't like the same t-shirts, so each customer will not buy more than one t-shirt of one type.
Determine the number of t-shirts which each customer will buy, if they use the described strategy. All customers act independently from each other, and the purchase of one does not affect the purchase of another.
The first line contains the positive integer nn ( 1<=n<=2·10^{5}1<=n<=2⋅105 ) — the number of t-shirt types.
Each of the following nn lines contains two integers c_{i}ci and q_{i}qi ( 1<=c_{i},q_{i}<=10^{9}1<=ci,qi<=109 ) — the price and the quality of the ii -th type t-shirt.
The next line contains the positive integer kk ( 1<=k<=2·10^{5}1<=k<=2⋅105 ) — the number of the customers.
The next line contains kk positive integers b_{1},b_{2},...,b_{k}b1,b2,...,bk ( 1<=b_{j}<=10^{9}1<=bj<=109 ), where the jj -th number is equal to the sum, which the jj -th customer gets ready to spend on t-shirts.
The first line of the input data should contain the sequence of kk integers, where the ii -th number should be equal to the number of t-shirts, which the ii -th customer will buy.
37 53 54 3213 14
2 3
2100 50050 499450 200 150 100
1 2 2 1说明
In the first example the first customer will buy the t-shirt of the second type, then the t-shirt of the first type. He will spend 10 and will not be able to buy the t-shirt of the third type because it costs 4, and the customer will owe only 3. The second customer will buy all three t-shirts (at first, the t-shirt of the second type, then the t-shirt of the first type, and then the t-shirt of the third type). He will spend all money on it.
暴力重构怎么能AC?现在我们来证明每个节点最多被暴力合并$\log val$次,注意我们重构的标准是对于那些减去花费后权值小于花费的点暴力重构,设原权值为$x$、花费为$y$,那么就有$x-y<y$,即$x<2y$,即每次被重构的点的权值至少减少一半,那么最多就被重构$\log val$次咯。
于是时间复杂度$O(n\log n)$。
/*Code by 520 -- 9.27*/#include#define il inline#define ll long long#define RE register#define For(i,a,b) for(RE int (i)=(a);(i)<=(b);(i)++)#define Bor(i,a,b) for(RE int (i)=(b);(i)>=(a);(i)--)using namespace std;const int N=200005;int n,m,root,cnt,ch[N][2],date[N],num[N],rnd[N],ppx[N],wmz[N];struct node{ int c,q; bool operator < (const node &a) const{return q==a.q?ca.q;}}a[N];int gi(){ int a=0;char x=getchar(); while(x<'0'||x>'9') x=getchar(); while(x>='0'&&x<='9') a=(a<<3)+(a<<1)+(x^48),x=getchar(); return a;}il void down(int rt){ if(ppx[rt]){ date[ch[rt][0]]+=ppx[rt],date[ch[rt][1]]+=ppx[rt]; ppx[ch[rt][0]]+=ppx[rt],ppx[ch[rt][1]]+=ppx[rt]; ppx[rt]=0; } ��������,��������if(wmz[rt]){ num[ch[rt][0]]+=wmz[rt],num[ch[rt][1]]+=wmz[rt]; wmz[ch[rt][0]]+=wmz[rt],wmz[ch[rt][1]]+=wmz[rt]; wmz[rt]=0; }}int merge(int x,int y){ if(!x||!y) return x+y; if(rnd[x]<rnd[y]){ down(x); ch[x][1]=merge(ch[x][1],y); return x; } else{ down(y); ch[y][0]=merge(x,ch[y][0]); return y; }}void split(int rt,int k,int &x,int &y){ if(!rt) {x=y=0;return;} down(rt); if(date[rt]<k) x=rt,split(ch[rt][1],k,ch[rt][1],y); else y=rt,split(ch[rt][0],k,x,ch[rt][0]);}il int ins(int a,int b){ int x=0,y=0; split(a,date[b],x,y); a=merge(x,merge(b,y)); return a;}int dfs(int x,int y){ if(!x) return y; down(x); y=dfs(ch[x][0],y); y=dfs(ch[x][1],y); ch[x][0]=ch[x][1]=0; return ins(y,x);}void getans(int x){ if(!x) return; down(x); getans(ch[x][0]),getans(ch[x][1]);}int main(){ n=gi(); For(i,1,n) a[i].c=gi(),a[i].q=gi(); sort(a+1,a+n+1); m=gi(); For(i,1,m) date[i]=gi(),rnd[i]=rand(),root=ins(root,i); For(i,1,n) { int x=0,y=0,z=0,o=0; split(root,a[i].c,x,y); date[y]-=a[i].c,ppx[y]-=a[i].c; num[y]++,wmz[y]++; split(y,a[i].c-1,z,o); x=dfs(z,x); root=merge(x,o); } getans(root); For(i,1,m) printf("%d ",num[i]); return 0;}