源码:https://github.com/limingios/netFuture/ 【zookeeper】
Zookeeper 最早起源于雅虎研究院的一个研究小组。在当时,研究人员发现,在雅虎内部很多大型系统基本都需要依赖一个类似的系统来进行分布式协调,但是这些系统往往都存在分布式单点问题。所以,雅虎的开发人员就试图开发一个通用的无单点问题的分布式协调框架,以便让开发人员将精力集中在处理业务逻辑上。
关于“ZooKeeper”这个项目的名字,其实也有一段趣闻。在立项初期,考虑到之前内部很多项目都是使用动物的名字来命名的(例如著名的Pig项目),雅虎的工程师希望给这个项目也取一个动物的名字。时任研究院的首席科学家 RaghuRamakrishnan 开玩笑地说:“在这样下去,我们这儿就变成动物园了!”此话一出,大家纷纷表示就叫动物园管理员吧一一一因为各个以动物命名的分布式组件放在一起,雅虎的整个分布式系统看上去就像一个大型的动物园了,而 Zookeeper 正好要用来进行分布式环境的协调一一于是,Zookeeper 的名字也就由此诞生了。为什么zookeeper会火
- zookeeper的官网
下载地址: https://www-eu.apache.org/dist/zookeeper/
对于操作来说伪分布式集群更难一些。mac 安装vgarant :https://idig8.com/2018/07/29/docker-zhongji-07/
- (2.1)伪环境配置
还是用vagrant来,自从熟悉了vagrant 我基本没手动创建过虚拟机。
su#密码 vagrantcd ~vi /etc/ssh/sshd_configsudo systemctl restart sshd
vi /etc/resolv.conf
设置成8.8.8.8service network restart
>(2.1.2)jdk安装>脚本在我的源码里面``` bashvi pro.shsh pro.sh
wget https://www-eu.apache.org/dist/zookeeper/zookeeper-3.4.10/zookeeper-3.4.10.tar.gz
tar zxvf zookeeper-3.4.10.tar.gz
cd /root/zookeeper-3.4.10/confcp zoo_sample.cfg zoo1.cfgcp zoo_sample.cfg zoo2.cfgcp zoo_sample.cfg zoo3.cfg
(2.1.6) 编辑这3个文件zoo1.cfg,zoo2.cfg,zoo3.cfg
vi zoo1.cfg
clientPort=2181# The number of milliseconds of each ticktickTime=2000# The number of ticks that the initial# synchronization phase can takeinitLimit=10# The number of ticks that can pass between# sending a request and getting an acknowledgementsyncLimit=5# the directory where the snapshot is stored.# do not use /tmp for storage, /tmp here is just# example sakes.dataDir=/apps/servers/data/d_1dataLogDir=/apps/servers/logs/logs_1# the port at which the clients will connectclientPort=2181# the maximum number of client connections.# increase this if you need to handle more clients#maxClientCnxns=60## Be sure to read the maintenance section of the# administrator guide before turning on autopurge.## http://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/current/zookeeperAdmin.html#sc_maintenance## The number of snapshots to retain in dataDir#autopurge.snapRetainCount=3# Purge task interval in hours# Set to "0" to disable auto purge feature#autopurge.purgeInterval=1server.1=localhost:2187:2887 server.2=localhost:2188:2888server.3=localhost:2189:2889
vi zoo2.cfg
clientPort=2182# The number of milliseconds of each ticktickTime=2000# The number of ticks that the initial# synchronization phase can takeinitLimit=10# The number of ticks that can pass between# sending a request and getting an acknowledgementsyncLimit=5# the directory where the snapshot is stored.# do not use /tmp for storage, /tmp here is just# example sakes.dataDir=/apps/servers/data/d_2dataLogDir=/apps/servers/logs/logs_2# the port at which the clients will connectclientPort=2182# the maximum number of client connections.# increase this if you need to handle more clients#maxClientCnxns=60## Be sure to read the maintenance section of the# administrator guide before turning on autopurge.## http://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/current/zookeeperAdmin.html#sc_maintenance## The number of snapshots to retain in dataDir#autopurge.snapRetainCount=3# Purge task interval in hours# Set to "0" to disable auto purge feature#autopurge.purgeInterval=1server.��ͷ,����1=localhost:2187:2887 server.2=localhost:2188:2888server.3=localhost:2189:2889
vi zoo3.cfg
clientPort=2183# The number of milliseconds of each ticktickTime=2000# The number of ticks that the initial# synchronization phase can takeinitLimit=10# The number of ticks that can pass between# sending a request and getting an acknowledgementsyncLimit=5# the directory where the snapshot is stored.# do not use /tmp for storage, /tmp here is just# example sakes.dataDir=/apps/servers/data/d_3dataLogDir=/apps/servers/logs/logs_3# the port at which the clients will connectclientPort=2183# the maximum number of client connections.# increase this if you need to handle more clients#maxClientCnxns=60## Be sure to read the maintenance section of the# administrator guide before turning on autopurge.## http://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/current/zookeeperAdmin.html#sc_maintenance## The number of snapshots to retain in dataDir#autopurge.snapRetainCount=3# Purge task interval in hours# Set to "0" to disable auto purge feature#autopurge.purgeInterval=1server.1=localhost:2187:2887 server.2=localhost:2188:2888server.3=localhost:2189:2889
mkdir -p /apps/servers/data/d_1mkdir -p /apps/servers/data/d_2mkdir -p /apps/servers/data/d_3
mkdir -p /apps/servers/logs/logs_1
mkdir -p /apps/servers/logs/logs_2
mkdir -p /apps/servers/logs/logs_3
echo "1" >/apps/servers/data/d_1/myid
echo "2" >/apps/servers/data/d_2/myid
echo "3" >/apps/servers/data/d_3/myid
> (2.1.8)进入bin目录下输入命令 分别进行启动``` bashcd /root/zookeeper-3.4.10/binsh zkServer.sh start ../conf/zoo1.cfgsh zkServer.sh start ../conf/zoo2.cfgsh zkServer.sh start ../conf/zoo3.cfg
source /etc/profilesh zkCli.sh -server localhost:2181sh zkCli.sh -server localhost:2182sh zkCli.sh -server localhost:2183
- (1.2)分布式环境配置
su#密码 vagrantcd ~vi /etc/ssh/sshd_configsudo systemctl restart sshd
vi /etc/resolv.conf
设置成8.8.8.8service network restart
>(1.2.2)jdk安装(三台机器都需要设置)>脚本在我的源码里面``` bashvi pro.shsh pro.sh
wget https://www-eu.apache.org/dist/zookeeper/zookeeper-3.4.10/zookeeper-3.4.10.tar.gz
tar zxvf zookeeper-3.4.10.tar.gz
cd ~cd zookeeper-3.4.10/cd confcp zoo_sample.cfg zoo.cfg
vi zoo.cfg
# The number of milliseconds of each ticktickTime=2000# The number of ticks that the initial# synchronization phase can takeinitLimit=10# The number of ticks that can pass between# sending a request and getting an acknowledgementsyncLimit=5# the directory where the snapshot is stored.# do not use /tmp for storage, /tmp here is just# example sakes.dataDir=/tmp/zookeeperdataLogDir=/tmp/zookeeper/logs# the port at which the clients will connectclientPort=2181# the maximum number of client connections.# increase this if you need to handle more clients#maxClientCnxns=60## Be sure to read the maintenance section of the# administrator guide before turning on autopurge.## http://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/current/zookeeperAdmin.html#sc_maintenance## The number of snapshots to retain in dataDir#autopurge.snapRetainCount=3# Purge task interval in hours# Set to "0" to disable auto purge feature#autopurge.purgeInterval=1server.0=
需要配置到上边dataDir=/tmp/zookeeper的目录下。cd /cd tmpmkdir zookeepercd zookeeper
echo '0'>myidcat myid
echo '1'>myidcat myid
echo '2'>myidcat myid
cd ~/zookeeper-3.4.10/binsh zkServer.sh start
####(三) 概念梳理
- (3.1)Zoo.cfg 配置
- (3.2)角色
Leader 作为整个 ZooKeeper 集群的主节点,负责响应所有对 ZooKeeper 状态变更的请求。它会将每个状态更新请求进行排序和编号,以便保证整个集群内部消息处理的 FIFO,写操作都走 leader
Follower :
Follower 的逻辑就比较简单了。除了响应本服务器上的读请求外,follower 还要处理leader 的提议,并在 leader 提交该提议时在本地也进行提交。 另外需要注意的是,leader 和 follower 构成 ZooKeeper 集群的法定人数,也就是说,只有他们才参与新 leader的选举、响应 leader 的提议。
Observer :
如果 ZooKeeper 集群的读取负载很高,或者客户端多到跨机房,可以设置一些 observer服务器,以提高读取的吞吐量。Observer 和 Follower 比较相似,只有一些小区别:首先observer 不属于法定人数,即不参加选举也不响应提议;其次是 observer 不需要将事务持久化到磁盘,一旦 observer 被重启,需要从 leader 重新同步整个名字空间。
- (3.3)Zookeeper 特性
Zookeeper 是一个由多个 server 组成的
1.集群一个 leader,多个 follower
2.每个 server 保存一份数据副本
3.全局数据一致分布式读follower,写由 leader 实施更新请求转发,由 leader 实施更新请求顺序进行,来自同一个 client 的更新请求按其发送顺序依次执行数据更新原子性,
5.client 无论连接到哪个 server,数据视图都是一致的实时性,在一定事件范围内,client 能读到最新数据