postgres@allsql02->repmgr standby switchover -f ~/repmgr.conf --siblings-follow DEBUG: connecting to: "user=repmgr password=QAZwsx123_ connect_timeout=2 dbname=repmgr host= port=5432 fallback_application_name=repmgr"NOTICE: executing switchover on node "allSql02" (ID: 238)DEBUG: connecting to: "user=repmgr password=QAZwsx123_ connect_timeout=2 dbname=repmgr host= port=5432 fallback_application_name=repmgr"DEBUG: remote_command(): ssh -o Batchmode=yes -q -o ConnectTimeout=10 /usr/pgsql/bin/repmgr -f /home/postgres/repmgr.conf --version >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo "1" || echo "0"DEBUG: remote_command(): ssh -o Batchmode=yes -q -o ConnectTimeout=10 /usr/pgsql/bin/repmgr -f /home/postgres/repmgr.conf --version 2>/dev/nullDEBUG: "repmgr" version on "" is 50100DEBUG: remote_command(): ssh -o Batchmode=yes -q -o ConnectTimeout=10 test -f /home/postgres/repmgr.conf && echo 1 || echo 0DEBUG: remote_command(): ssh -o Batchmode=yes -q -o ConnectTimeout=10 /usr/pgsql/bin/repmgr -f /home/postgres/repmgr.conf node check --data-directory-config --optformat -LINFO 2>/dev/nullWARNING: option "--sibling-nodes" specified, but no sibling nodes existDEBUG: remote_command(): ssh -o Batchmode=yes -q -o ConnectTimeout=10 /usr/pgsql/bin/repmgr -f /home/postgres/repmgr.conf node check --remote-node-id=238 --replication-connectionDEBUG: connecting to: "user=repmgr password=QAZwsx123_ connect_timeout=2 dbname=repmgr host= port=5432 fallback_application_name=repmgr"DEBUG: remote_command(): ssh -o Batchmode=yes -q -o ConnectTimeout=10 /usr/pgsql/bin/repmgr -f /home/postgres/repmgr.conf node check --terse -LERROR --archive-ready --optformatDEBUG: lag is 0 DEBUG: connecting to: "user=repmgr password=QAZwsx123_ connect_timeout=2 dbname=repmgr host= port=5432 fallback_application_name=repmgr"DEBUG: connecting to: "user=repmgr password=QAZwsx123_ connect_timeout=2 dbname=repmgr host= port=5432 fallback_application_name=repmgr"NOTICE: local node "allSql02" (ID: 238) will be promoted to primary; current primary "allSql01" (ID: 237) will be demoted to standbyNOTICE: stopping current primary node "allSql01" (ID: 237)DEBUG: remote_command(): ssh -o Batchmode=yes -q -o ConnectTimeout=10 /usr/pgsql/bin/repmgr -f /home/postgres/repmgr.conf node service --action=stop --checkpointDEBUG: connecting to: "user=repmgr password=QAZwsx123_ connect_timeout=2 dbname=repmgr host= port=5432 fallback_application_name=repmgr"NOTICE: issuing CHECKPOINT on node "allSql01" (ID: 237) DETAIL: executing server command "/usr/pgsql/bin/pg_ctl -D '/data/pgdata/11/data' -W -m fast stop"INFO: checking for primary shutdown; 1 of 60 attempts ("shutdown_check_timeout")DEBUG: ping status is: PQPING_REJECTDEBUG: sleeping 1 second until next checkINFO: checking for primary shutdown; 2 of 60 attempts ("shutdown_check_timeout")DEBUG: ping status is: PQPING_NO_RESPONSEDEBUG: remote_command(): ssh -o Batchmode=yes -q -o ConnectTimeout=10 /usr/pgsql/bin/repmgr -f /home/postgres/repmgr.conf node status --is-shutdown-cleanlyNOTICE: current primary has been cleanly shut down at location 0/F000028NOTICE: waiting up to 30 seconds (parameter "wal_receive_check_timeout") for received WAL to flush to diskINFO: sleeping 1 of maximum 30 seconds waiting for standby to flush received WAL to diskINFO: sleeping 2 of maximum 30 seconds waiting for standby to flush received WAL to diskINFO: sleeping 3 of maximum 30 seconds waiting for standby to flush received WAL to diskINFO: sleeping 4 of maximum 30 seconds waiting for standby to flush received WAL to diskINFO: sleeping 5 of maximum 30 seconds waiting for standby to flush received WAL to diskINFO: sleeping 6 of maximum 30 seconds waiting for standby to flush received WAL to diskINFO: sleeping 7 of maximum 30 seconds waiting for standby to flush received WAL to diskINFO: sleeping 8 of maximum 30 seconds waiting for standby to flush received WAL to diskINFO: sleeping 9 of maximum 30 seconds waiting for standby to flush received WAL to diskINFO: sleeping 10 of maximum 30 seconds waiting for standby to flush received WAL to diskINFO: sleeping 11 of maximum 30 seconds waiting for standby to flush received WAL to diskINFO: sleeping 12 of maximum 30 seconds waiting for standby to flush received WAL to diskINFO: sleeping 13 of maximum 30 seconds waiting for standby to flush received WAL to diskINFO: sleeping 14 of maximum 30 seconds waiting for standby to flush received WAL to diskINFO: sleeping 15 of maximum 30 seconds waiting for standby to flush received WAL to diskINFO: sleeping 16 of maximum 30 seconds waiting for standby to flush received WAL to diskINFO: sleeping 17 of maximum 30 seconds waiting for standby to flush received WAL to diskINFO: sleeping 18 of maximum 30 seconds waiting for standby to flush received WAL to diskINFO: sleeping 19 of maximum 30 seconds waiting for standby to flush received WAL to diskINFO: sleeping 20 of maximum 30 seconds waiting for standby to flush received WAL to diskINFO: sleeping 21 of maximum 30 seconds waiting for standby to flush received WAL to diskINFO: sleeping 22 of maximum 30 seconds waiting for standby to flush received WAL to diskINFO: sleeping 23 of maximum 30 seconds waiting for standby to flush received WAL to diskINFO: sleeping 24 of maximum 30 seconds waiting for standby to flush received WAL to diskINFO: sleeping 25 of maximum 30 seconds waiting for standby to flush received WAL to diskINFO: sleeping 26 of maximum 30 seconds waiting for standby to flush received WAL to diskINFO: sleeping 27 of maximum 30 seconds waiting for standby to flush received WAL to diskINFO: sleeping 28 of maximum 30 seconds waiting for standby to flush received WAL to diskINFO: sleeping 29 of maximum 30 seconds waiting for standby to flush received WAL to diskINFO: sleeping 30 of maximum 30 seconds waiting for standby to flush received WAL to diskWARNING: local node "allSql02" is behind shutdown primary "allSql01"DETAIL: local node last receive LSN is 0/E086000, primary shutdown checkpoint LSN is 0/F000028NOTICE: aborting switchoverHINT: use --always-promote to force promotion of standby
postgres@allsql01->repmgr -f ~/repmgr.conf cluster showDEBUG: connecting to: "user=repmgr password=QAZwsx123_ connect_timeout=2 dbname=repmgr host= port=5432 fallback_application_name=repmgr"ERROR: connection to database failedDETAIL: could not connect to server: Connection refused Is the server running on host "" and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432?DETAIL: attempted to connect using: user=repmgr password=QAZwsx123_ connect_timeout=2 dbname=repmgr host= port=5432 fallback_application_name=repmgrpostgres@allsql01->pg_ctl -D /data/pgdata/11/data -l logfile startwaiting for server to start.... doneserver started
shutdown_check_timeout =100 然后postgresql重启
HINT: use --always-promote to force promotion of standby报错解决