Netdata agent用于采集监控指标,可以在本地存储和通过浏览器展示,Netdata Cloud 可以收集多个agent的流式数据集中展示监控图标。
2.1 注意事项安全前使用下面的命令更新操作系统
yum update
- agent安装不需要 sudo
- 脚本自动安装依赖,自动从源码编译
- agent可以从prometheus采集数据,包括windows 10
- 由于各种原因,在线安装可能非常缓慢甚至失败
- cloud从agent接受流式数据,在浏览器中显示,但不保存数据
bash <(curl -Ss --no-updates --stable-channel --disable-telemetry
#!/usr/bin/env sh# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later## Run me with:## bash <(curl -Ss or (to install all netdata dependencies):## bash <(curl -Ss all## Other options:# --dont-wait do not prompt for user input# --non-interactive do not prompt for user input# --no-updates do not install script for daily updates# --local-files set the full path of the desired tarball to run install with# --allow-duplicate-install do not bail if we detect a duplicate install# --reinstall if an existing install would be updated, reinstall instead## Environment options:## TMPDIR specify where to save temporary files# NETDATA_TARBALL_BASEURL set the base url for downloading the dist tarball## This script will:## 1. install all netdata compilation dependencies# using the package manager of the system## 2. download netdata nightly package to temporary directory## 3. install netdata# shellcheck disable=SC2039,SC2059,SC2086# External filesPACKAGES_SCRIPT=""# Netdata Tarball Base URL (defaults to our Google Storage Bucket)[ -z "$NETDATA_TARBALL_BASEURL" ] && NETDATA_TARBALL_BASEURL= ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# library functions copied from packaging/installer/functions.shsetup_terminal() { TPUT_RESET="" TPUT_YELLOW="" TPUT_WHITE="" TPUT_BGRED="" TPUT_BGGREEN="" TPUT_BOLD="" TPUT_DIM="" # Is stderr on the terminal? If not, then fail test -t 2 || return 1 if command -v tput > /dev/null 2>&1; then if [ $(($(tput colors 2> /dev/null))) -ge 8 ]; then # Enable colors TPUT_RESET="$(tput sgr 0)" TPUT_YELLOW="$(tput setaf 3)" TPUT_WHITE="$(tput setaf 7)" TPUT_BGRED="$(tput setab 1)" TPUT_BGGREEN="$(tput setab 2)" TPUT_BOLD="$(tput bold)" TPUT_DIM="$(tput dim)" fi fi return 0}setup_terminal || echo > /dev/null# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------fatal() { printf >&2 "${TPUT_BGRED}${TPUT_WHITE}${TPUT_BOLD} ABORTED ${TPUT_RESET} ${*} \n\n" exit 1}run_ok() { printf >&2 "${TPUT_BGGREEN}${TPUT_WHITE}${TPUT_BOLD} OK ${TPUT_RESET} \n\n"}run_failed() { printf >&2 "${TPUT_BGRED}${TPUT_WHITE}${TPUT_BOLD} FAILED ${TPUT_RESET} \n\n"}ESCAPED_PRINT_METHOD=if printf "%q " test > /dev/null 2>&1; then ESCAPED_PRINT_METHOD="printfq"fiescaped_print() { if [ "${ESCAPED_PRINT_METHOD}" = "printfq" ]; then printf "%q " "${@}" else printf "%s" "${*}" fi return 0}progress() { echo >&2 " --- ${TPUT_DIM}${TPUT_BOLD}${*}${TPUT_RESET} --- "}run_logfile="/dev/null"run() { local user="${USER--}" dir="${PWD}" info info_console if [ "${UID}" = "0" ]; then info="[root ${dir}]# " info_console="[${TPUT_DIM}${dir}${TPUT_RESET}]# " else info="[${user} ${dir}]$ " info_console="[${TPUT_DIM}${dir}${TPUT_RESET}]$ " fi { printf "${info}" escaped_print "${@}" printf " ... " } >> "${run_logfile}" printf >&2 "${info_console}${TPUT_BOLD}${TPUT_YELLOW}" escaped_print >&2 "${@}" printf >&2 "${TPUT_RESET}" "${@}" local ret=$? if [ ${ret} -ne 0 ]; then run_failed printf >> "${run_logfile}" "FAILED with exit code ${ret}\n" else run_ok printf >> "${run_logfile}" "OK\n" fi return ${ret}}fatal() { printf >&2 "${TPUT_BGRED}${TPUT_WHITE}${TPUT_BOLD} ABORTED ${TPUT_RESET} ${*} \n\n" exit 1}warning() { printf >&2 "${TPUT_BGRED}${TPUT_WHITE}${TPUT_BOLD} WARNING ${TPUT_RESET} ${*} \n\n" if [ "${INTERACTIVE}" = "0" ]; then fatal "Stopping due to non-interactive mode. Fix the issue or retry installation in an interactive mode." else read -r -p "Press ENTER to attempt netdata installation > " progress "OK, let's give it a try..." fi}_cannot_use_tmpdir() { local testfile ret testfile="$(TMPDIR="${1}" mktemp -q -t netdata-test.XXXXXXXXXX)" ret=0 if [ -z "${testfile}" ] ; then return "${ret}" fi if printf '#!/bin/sh\necho SUCCESS\n' > "${testfile}" ; then if chmod +x "${testfile}" ; then if [ "$("${testfile}")" = "SUCCESS" ] ; then ret=1 fi fi fi rm -f "${testfile}" return "${ret}"}create_tmp_directory() { if [ -z "${TMPDIR}" ] || _cannot_use_tmpdir "${TMPDIR}" ; then if _cannot_use_tmpdir /tmp ; then if _cannot_use_tmpdir "${PWD}" ; then echo >&2 echo >&2 "Unable to find a usable temprorary directory. Please set \$TMPDIR to a path that is both writable and allows execution of files and try again." exit 1 else TMPDIR="${PWD}" fi else TMPDIR="/tmp" fi fi mktemp -d -t netdata-kickstart-XXXXXXXXXX}download() { url="${1}" dest="${2}" if command -v curl > /dev/null 2>&1; then run curl -q -sSL --connect-timeout 10 --retry 3 --output "${dest}" "${url}" elif command -v wget > /dev/null 2>&1; then run wget -T 15 -O "${dest}" "${url}" || fatal "Cannot download ${url}" else fatal "I need curl or wget to proceed, but neither is available on this system." fi}set_tarball_urls() { if [ -n "${NETDATA_LOCAL_TARBALL_OVERRIDE}" ]; then progress "Not fetching remote tarballs, local override was given" return fi if [ "$1" = "stable" ]; then local latest # Simple version latest="$(download "" /dev/stdout | grep tag_name | cut -d'"' -f4)" export NETDATA_TARBALL_URL="$latest/netdata-$latest.tar.gz" export NETDATA_TARBALL_CHECKSUM_URL="$latest/sha256sums.txt" else export NETDATA_TARBALL_URL="$NETDATA_TARBALL_BASEURL/netdata-latest.tar.gz" export NETDATA_TARBALL_CHECKSUM_URL="$NETDATA_TARBALL_BASEURL/sha256sums.txt" fi}detect_bash4() { bash="${1}" if [ -z "${BASH_VERSION}" ]; then # we don't run under bash if [ -n "${bash}" ] && [ -x "${bash}" ]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2016 BASH_MAJOR_VERSION=$(${bash} -c 'echo "${BASH_VERSINFO[0]}"') fi else # we run under bash BASH_MAJOR_VERSION="${BASH_VERSINFO[0]}" fi if [ -z "${BASH_MAJOR_VERSION}" ]; then echo >&2 "No BASH is available on this system" return 1 elif [ $((BASH_MAJOR_VERSION)) -lt 4 ]; then echo >&2 "No BASH v4+ is available on this system (installed bash is v${BASH_MAJOR_VERSION}" return 1 fi return 0}dependencies() { SYSTEM="$(uname -s 2> /dev/null || uname -v)" OS="$(uname -o 2> /dev/null || uname -rs)" MACHINE="$(uname -m 2> /dev/null)" echo "System : ${SYSTEM}" echo "Operating System : ${OS}" echo "Machine : ${MACHINE}" echo "BASH major version: ${BASH_MAJOR_VERSION}" if [ "${OS}" != "GNU/Linux" ] && [ "${SYSTEM}" != "Linux" ]; then warning "Cannot detect the packages to be installed on a ${SYSTEM} - ${OS} system." else bash="$(command -v bash 2> /dev/null)" if ! detect_bash4 "${bash}"; then warning "Cannot detect packages to be installed in this system, without BASH v4+." else progress "Fetching script to detect required packages..." if [ -n "${NETDATA_LOCAL_TARBALL_OVERRIDE_DEPS_SCRIPT}" ]; then if [ -f "${NETDATA_LOCAL_TARBALL_OVERRIDE_DEPS_SCRIPT}" ]; then run cp "${NETDATA_LOCAL_TARBALL_OVERRIDE_DEPS_SCRIPT}" "${ndtmpdir}/" else fatal "Invalid given dependency file, please check your --local-files parameter options and try again" fi else download "${PACKAGES_SCRIPT}" "${ndtmpdir}/" fi if [ ! -s "${ndtmpdir}/" ]; then warning "Downloaded dependency installation script is empty." else progress "Running downloaded script to detect required packages..." run ${sudo} "${bash}" "${ndtmpdir}/" ${PACKAGES_INSTALLER_OPTIONS} # shellcheck disable=SC2181 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then warning "It failed to install all the required packages, but installation might still be possible." fi fi fi fi}safe_sha256sum() { # Within the contexct of the installer, we only use -c option that is common between the two commands # We will have to reconsider if we start non-common options if command -v sha256sum > /dev/null 2>&1; then sha256sum "$@" elif command -v shasum > /dev/null 2>&1; then shasum -a 256 "$@" else fatal "I could not find a suitable checksum binary to use" fi}# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------umask 022sudo=""[ -z "${UID}" ] && UID="$(id -u)"[ "${UID}" -ne "0" ] && sudo="sudo"export PATH="${PATH}:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin"# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------INTERACTIVE=1PACKAGES_INSTALLER_OPTIONS="netdata"NETDATA_INSTALLER_OPTIONS=""NETDATA_UPDATES="--auto-update"RELEASE_CHANNEL="nightly"while [ -n "${1}" ]; do if [ "${1}" = "all" ]; then PACKAGES_INSTALLER_OPTIONS="netdata-all" shift 1 elif [ "${1}" = "--dont-wait" ] || [ "${1}" = "--non-interactive" ]; then INTERACTIVE=0 shift 1 elif [ "${1}" = "--no-updates" ]; then # echo >&2 "netdata will not auto-update" NETDATA_UPDATES= shift 1 elif [ "${1}" = "--stable-channel" ]; then RELEASE_CHANNEL="stable" NETDATA_INSTALLER_OPTIONS="$NETDATA_INSTALLER_OPTIONS --stable-channel" shift 1 elif [ "${1}" = "--allow-duplicate-install" ]; then NETDATA_ALLOW_DUPLICATE_INSTALL=1 shift 1 elif [ "${1}" = "--reinstall" ]; then NETDATA_REINSTALL=1 shift 1 elif [ "${1}" = "--local-files" ]; then shift 1 if [ -z "${1}" ]; then fatal "Missing netdata: Option --local-files requires extra information. The desired tarball for netdata, the checksum, the go.d plugin tarball , the go.d plugin config tarball and the dependency management script, in this particular order" fi export NETDATA_LOCAL_TARBALL_OVERRIDE="${1}" shift 1 if [ -z "${1}" ]; then fatal "Missing checksum file: Option --local-files requires extra information. The desired tarball for netdata, the checksum, the go.d plugin tarball , the go.d plugin config tarball and the dependency management script, in this particular order" fi export NETDATA_LOCAL_TARBALL_OVERRIDE_CHECKSUM="${1}" shift 1 if [ -z "${1}" ]; then fatal "Missing go.d tarball: Option --local-files requires extra information. The desired tarball for netdata, the checksum, the go.d plugin tarball , the go.d plugin config tarball and the dependency management script, in this particular order" fi export NETDATA_LOCAL_TARBALL_OVERRIDE_GO_PLUGIN="${1}" shift 1 if [ -z "${1}" ]; then fatal "Missing go.d config tarball: Option --local-files requires extra information. The desired tarball for netdata, the checksum, the go.d plugin tarball , the go.d plugin config tarball and the dependency management script, in this particular order" fi export NETDATA_LOCAL_TARBALL_OVERRIDE_GO_PLUGIN_CONFIG="${1}" shift 1 if [ -z "${1}" ]; then fatal "Missing dependencies management scriptlet: Option --local-files requires extra information. The desired tarball for netdata, the checksum, the go.d plugin tarball , the go.d plugin config tarball and the dependency management script, in this particular order" fi export NETDATA_LOCAL_TARBALL_OVERRIDE_DEPS_SCRIPT="${1}" shift 1 else NETDATA_INSTALLER_OPTIONS="$NETDATA_INSTALLER_OPTIONS ${1}" shift 1 fidoneif [ "${INTERACTIVE}" = "0" ]; then PACKAGES_INSTALLER_OPTIONS="--dont-wait --non-interactive ${PACKAGES_INSTALLER_OPTIONS}" NETDATA_INSTALLER_OPTIONS="$NETDATA_INSTALLER_OPTIONS --dont-wait"fi# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# look for an existing install and try to update that instead if it existsndpath="$(command -v netdata 2>/dev/null)"if [ -z "$ndpath" ] && [ -x /opt/netdata/bin/netdata ] ; then ndpath="/opt/netdata/bin/netdata"fiif [ -n "$ndpath" ] ; then ndprefix="$(dirname "$(dirname "${ndpath}")")" if [ "${ndprefix}" = /usr ] ; then ndprefix="/" fi progress "Found existing install of Netdata under: ${ndprefix}" if [ -r "${ndprefix}/etc/netdata/.environment" ] ; then ndstatic="$(grep IS_NETDATA_STATIC_BINARY "${ndprefix}/etc/netdata/.environment" | cut -d "=" -f 2 | tr -d \")" if [ -z "${NETDATA_REINSTALL}" ] && [ -z "${NETDATA_LOCAL_TARBALL_OVERRIDE}" ] ; then if [ -x "${ndprefix}/usr/libexec/netdata/" ] ; then progress "Attempting to update existing install instead of creating a new one" if run ${sudo} "${ndprefix}/usr/libexec/netdata/" --not-running-from-cron ; then progress "Updated existing install at ${ndpath}" exit 0 else fatal "Failed to update existing Netdata install" exit 1 fi else if [ -z "${NETDATA_ALLOW_DUPLICATE_INSTALL}" ] || [ "${ndstatic}" = "yes" ] ; then fatal "Existing installation detected which cannot be safely updated by this script, refusing to continue." exit 1 else progress "User explicitly requested duplicate install, proceeding." fi fi else if [ "${ndstatic}" = "no" ] ; then progress "User requested reinstall instead of update, proceeding." else fatal "Existing install is a static install, please use instead." exit 1 fi fi else progress "Existing install appears to be handled manually or through the system package manager." if [ -z "${NETDATA_ALLOW_DUPLICATE_INSTALL}" ] ; then fatal "Existing installation detected which cannot be safely updated by this script, refusing to continue." exit 1 else progress "User explicitly requested duplicate install, proceeding." fi fifi# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# install required system packagesndtmpdir=$(create_tmp_directory)cd "${ndtmpdir}" || exit 1dependencies# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# download netdata packageif [ -z "${NETDATA_LOCAL_TARBALL_OVERRIDE}" ]; then set_tarball_urls "${RELEASE_CHANNEL}" download "${NETDATA_TARBALL_CHECKSUM_URL}" "${ndtmpdir}/sha256sum.txt" download "${NETDATA_TARBALL_URL}" "${ndtmpdir}/netdata-latest.tar.gz"else progress "Installation sources were given as input, running installation using \"${NETDATA_LOCAL_TARBALL_OVERRIDE}\"" run cp "${NETDATA_LOCAL_TARBALL_OVERRIDE_CHECKSUM}" "${ndtmpdir}/sha256sum.txt" run cp "${NETDATA_LOCAL_TARBALL_OVERRIDE}" "${ndtmpdir}/netdata-latest.tar.gz"fiif ! grep netdata-latest.tar.gz "${ndtmpdir}/sha256sum.txt" | safe_sha256sum -c - > /dev/null 2>&1; then fatal "Tarball checksum validation failed. Stopping Netdata Agent installation and leaving tarball in ${ndtmpdir}.\nUsually this is a result of an older copy of the file being cached somewhere upstream and can be resolved by retrying in an hour."firun tar -xf netdata-latest.tar.gzrm -rf netdata-latest.tar.gz > /dev/null 2>&1cd netdata-* || fatal "Cannot cd to netdata source tree"# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# install netdata from sourceinstall() { progress "Installing netdata..." run ${sudo} ./ ${NETDATA_UPDATES} ${NETDATA_INSTALLER_OPTIONS} || fatal " exited with error" if [ -d "${ndtmpdir}" ] && [ ! "${ndtmpdir}" = "/" ]; then run ${sudo} rm -rf "${ndtmpdir}" > /dev/null 2>&1 fi}if [ -x ]; then install "$@"else if [ "$(find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d | wc -l)" -eq 1 ] && [ -x "$(find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d)/" ]; then cd "$(find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d)" && install "$@" else fatal "Cannot install netdata from source (the source directory does not include Leaving all files in ${ndtmpdir}" fifi
2.3 启用内存重复数据删除KMS运行下面的命令
echo 1 >/sys/kernel/mm/ksm/runecho 1000 >/sys/kernel/mm/ksm/sleep_millisecs
启用该功能可以减少netdata 40% ~ 60% 的内存占用
2.4 默认的监听端口netdata默认会监听主机所有IP的19999端口,浏览器通过下面的地址访问
2.5 启动与关闭http://this.machine.ip:19999/
systemctl start netdata
关闭netdatasystemctl stop netdata
sudo -token=smN1DaYQPEloPnOGqOYdn7QWIoYfJJt3ZAV8mP41W5IRrJS_2b5kwffEKKGdO6PRavXOYgUDJ_Zs8I1VoLJEDzvzFT13NPMLl_9VzcE -rooms=9b856134-4f16-4444-8768-5b896ae98725 -url=
7. 登录cloud查看