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PHP - Manual: imap_mail_compose

来源:网络转载 浏览:59次 时间:2023-06-22
imap_mail_copy » « imap_lsub PHP 手册 函数参考 邮件相关扩展 IMAP IMAP 函数


(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

imap_mail_compose — Create a MIME message based on given envelope and body sections


imap_mail_compose(array $envelope, array $bodies): string|false

Create a MIME message based on the given envelope and bodies sections.



An associative array of header fields. Valid keys are: "remail", "return_path", "date", "from", "reply_to", "in_reply_to", "subject", "to", "cc", "bcc" and "message_id", which set the respective message headers to the given string. To set additional headers, the key "custom_headers" is supported, which expects an array of those headers, e.g. ["User-Agent: My Mail Client"].


An indexed array of bodies. The first body is the main body of the message; only if it has a type of TYPEMULTIPART, further bodies are processed; these bodies constitute the bodies of the parts.

Body Array Structure Key Type Description type int The MIME type. One of TYPETEXT (default), TYPEMULTIPART, TYPEMESSAGE, TYPEAPPLICATION, TYPEAUDIO, TYPEIMAGE, TYPEMODEL or TYPEOTHER. encoding int The Content-Transfer-Encoding. One of ENC7BIT (default), ENC8BIT, ENCBINARY, ENCBASE64, ENCQUOTEDPRINTABLE or ENCOTHER. charset string The charset parameter of the MIME type. type.parameters array An associative array of Content-Type parameter names and their values. subtype string The MIME subtype, e.g. 'jpeg' for TYPEIMAGE. id string The Content-ID. description string The Content-Description. disposition.type string The Content-Disposition, e.g. 'attachment'. disposition array An associative array of Content-Disposition parameter names and values. contents.data string The payload. lines int The size of the payload in lines. bytes int The size of the payload in bytes. md5 string The MD5 checksum of the payload.


Returns the MIME message as string, 或者在失败时返回 false.


示例 #1 imap_mail_compose() example


$envelope["from"]= "joe@example.com";
$envelope["to"]  = "foo@example.com";
$envelope["cc"]  = "bar@example.com";

$part1["type"] = TYPEMULTIPART;
$part1["subtype"] = "mixed";

$filename = "/tmp/imap.c.gz";
$fp = fopen($filename, "r");
$contents = fread($fp, filesize($filename));

$part2["type"] = TYPEAPPLICATION;
$part2["encoding"] = ENCBINARY;
$part2["subtype"] = "octet-stream";
$part2["description"] = basename($filename);
$part2["contents.data"] = $contents;

$part3["type"] = TYPETEXT;
$part3["subtype"] = "plain";
$part3["description"] = "description3";
$part3["contents.data"] = "contents.data3\n\n\n\t";

$body[1] = $part1;
$body[2] = $part2;
$body[3] = $part3;

echo nl2br(imap_mail_compose($envelope, $body));

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User Contributed Notes 10 notes

up down 3 Los Olvidados19 years ago If you wish to send the output of this function, simply use it for the headers argument of imap_mail() or mail().  Keep in mind that those functions set the To: and Subject: headers, so including them in the envelope will create double entries. up down 3 thomas dot hebinck at digionline dot de18 years ago It is a good idea to set the date header:
up down 1 jvandeweghe at kipsu dot com5 years ago The custom_headers envelope documentation is misleading. Its not actually an "associative array", its a regular array of headers.

This is wrong:

$envelope = [
    "custom_headers" => [
        "X-SES-CONFIGURATION-SET" => "example",
        "X-SES-MESSAGE-TAGS" => "emailType=example"

This is right:

$envelope = [
    "custom_headers" => [
        "X-SES-CONFIGURATION-SET: example",
        "X-SES-MESSAGE-TAGS: emailType=example"
up down 2 Guido13 years ago For some email clients its necessary first to start with the body text and end with the attachment(s). Otherwise all the parts end up in attachments, also the body text (took a while to find this).

So example #1 (above) should be switched over, like:

$body[1] = $part1;
$body[2] = $part3;
$body[3] = $part2;
up down 2 prices at dflytech dot com20 years ago The documentation above does not mention that you can use the index ["charset"] to set the character set of the messsage part.


$part1["type"]= "TEXT";
$part1["charset"] = "koi8-r";

to send a message in Russian-koi8.

Scott  =)
up down 0 Freman14 years ago Since at least PHP 4.3 the $part[] hash can contain the $part['type.parameters'] which expects a hash.

Unfortunately for "hans at lintoo dot dk" there doesn't appear to have ever been $part['parameters.name'] or a $part['dparameters.filename']

So it would appear the corrected code for his function is

            $part["type"] = TYPEAPPLICATION;
            $part["encoding"] = ENCBASE64;
            $part["subtype"] = "octet-stream";
            $part["description"] = $file_name;
            $part['disposition.type'] = 'attachment';
            $part['disposition'] = array ('filename' => $file_name);
            $part['type.parameters'] = array('name' => $file_name);
            $part["contents.data"] = base64_encode(fread($file_handle,$file_size));
While this correctly sets the header

Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="file_name"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64
Content-Description: file_name
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="file_name"

But this is still not a good idea to blanket set every attachment as a application/octet-stream so please consider using the unix command file, or Fileinfo functions (or even trusting file upload mimetype) and pay attention to the code from "derf dot m at reseaunix dot net"
up down 0 trionon at mail dot ru20 years ago At least the following items in $part[] hashes are parsed:


Note: $part['disposition'] is a hash:

$part['disposition.type'] = 'attachment';
$part['disposition'] = array ('filename'=>'file.txt');

This will transform in such part header:

Content-disposition: attachment; filename="file.txt"
up down -1 coxsterdillon at hotmail dot com8 years ago So following on from their example, once you've composed your email with attachment or whatever, you'll probably want to send it.

since imap_mail(...) takes the message as body and re-encodes it, ignoring all the hard work you've done already.

Only real solution I found is to post it yourself:

// open connect to mail server
if ($socket===false) {
    die('Error: socket_create, '.socket_strerror(socket_last_error()));

$server="myserver.com"; // say or whatever your mail sever is
$port=25;  // again your mail server port, here generic smtp
if (socket_connect($socket,$server,$port)) {
    print "Connection successful\n";
}else {
    die('Error: socket_connect, '.socket_strerror(socket_last_error()));

// send it...
socket_write($socket,"HELO {$envelope["from"]}\n");
socket_write($socket,"MAIL FROM: {$envelope["from"]}\n");
socket_write($socket,"RCPT TO: {$envelope["to"]}\n");

// done...

Ofcourse the shell may work for you?

echo "Hello World" | mail -s "Greeting..." -a "attachSomeFile.txt" gspot@gmail.com
up down -2 hans at lintoo dot dk16 years ago Here is a little something for attaching files... This is already documented in the manual, but my solution involves some changes. This is based on testing and suggestions from others notes on this page.
if (count($_FILES) > 0) {
    $multipart["type"] = TYPEMULTIPART;
    $multipart["subtype"] = "mixed";
    $body[] = $multipart; //add multipart stuff
$uploaddir = ini_get("upload_tmp_dir"); //Get tmp upload dir from PHP.ini
foreach ($_FILES as $fieldName => $file) {
    for ($i=0;$i < count($file['tmp_name']);$i++) {
        if (is_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'][$i])) {
            $file_handle = fopen($file["tmp_name"][$i], "rb");
            $file_name = $file["name"][$i];
            $file_size = filesize($file["tmp_name"][$i]);
            $part["type"] = TYPEAPPLICATION;
            $part["encoding"] = ENCBASE64;
            $part["subtype"] = "octet-stream";
            $part["description"] = $file_name;
            $part['disposition.type'] = 'attachment';
            $part['disposition'] = array ('filename' => $file_name);
            $part['dparameters.filename'] = $file_name;
            $part['parameters.name'] = $file_name;
            $part["contents.data"] = base64_encode(fread($file_handle,$file_size));
            $body[] = $part;
hope someone can use this...
Regards, Hans @ http://lintoo.dk/
up down -2 hans at lintoo dot dk16 years ago I got a lot of problems with attachments (multipart emails) and the fix directly below this note.
instead just include it in the optional headers argument as previously suggested:

$mail = str_replace("\r","",imap_mail_compose($envelope, $body));
"Nothing like a fix on a fix".

If you want to copy the message to ie: a sent folder do:
//take note of the link: $this->mbox, and the constant: self::$imapStream
$envelope["to"]  = $_POST["to"]; //included with imap_mail
$envelope["subject"]  = $_POST["subject"]; //included with imap_mail
$mail = imap_mail_compose($envelope, $body); //note no problems with \r
imap_append($this->mbox,self::$imapStream."INBOX.Sent",$mail ,"\\Seen");
See imap_append for more info.... Enjoy!
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