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PHP - Manual: CUBRID MySQL 兼容性函数

来源:网络转载 浏览:61次 时间:2023-06-24
cubrid_affected_rows » « cubrid_version PHP 手册 函数参考 数据库扩展 针对各数据库系统对应的扩展 CUBRID


目录cubrid_affected_rows — Return the number of rows affected by the last SQL statementcubrid_client_encoding — Return the current CUBRID connection charsetcubrid_close — Close CUBRID connectioncubrid_data_seek — Move the internal row pointer of the CUBRID resultcubrid_db_name — Get db name from results of cubrid_list_dbscubrid_errno — Return the numerical value of the error message from previous CUBRID operationcubrid_error — Get the error messagecubrid_fetch_array — Fetch a result row as an associative array, a numeric array, or bothcubrid_fetch_assoc — Return the associative array that corresponds to the fetched rowcubrid_fetch_field — Get column information from a result and return as an objectcubrid_fetch_lengths — Return an array with the lengths of the values of each field from the current rowcubrid_fetch_object — Fetch the next row and return it as an objectcubrid_fetch_row — Return a numerical array with the values of the current rowcubrid_field_flags — Return a string with the flags of the given field offsetcubrid_field_len — Get the maximum length of the specified fieldcubrid_field_name — Return the name of the specified field indexcubrid_field_seek — Move the result set cursor to the specified field offsetcubrid_field_table — Return the name of the table of the specified fieldcubrid_field_type — Return the type of the column corresponding to the given field offsetcubrid_list_dbs — Return an array with the list of all existing CUBRID databasescubrid_num_fields — Return the number of columns in the result setcubrid_ping — Ping a server connection or reconnect if there is no connectioncubrid_query — Send a CUBRID querycubrid_real_escape_string — Escape special characters in a string for use in an SQL statementcubrid_result — Return the value of a specific field in a specific rowcubrid_unbuffered_query — Perform a query without fetching the results into memory
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