#!/usr/bin/env python# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-# @Author: Aiker Zhao# @Date : 2020/1/28 3:20 下午# @File : wifi.py# @Desc :import pathlibimport sysimport subprocessimport argparsefrom shutil import whichimport reimport osimport qrcode__version__ = "1.1"def run_command(command): output, _ = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, shell=True).communicate() return output.decode("utf-8")def print_error(text): print(f"ERROR: {text}") sys.exit(1)def get_ssid(): if sys.platform == "darwin": airport = pathlib.Path( "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport") if not airport.is_file(): print_error(f"Can't find 'airport' command at {airport}") ssid = run_command(f"{airport} -I | awk '/ SSID/ {{print substr($0, index($0, $2))}}'") ssid = ssid.replace("\n", "") elif sys.platform == "linux": if which("iwgetid") is not None: print_error("Can't find the 'iwgetid' command") ssid = run_command("iwgetid -r") ssid = ssid.replace("\n", "") elif sys.platform == "win32": ssid = run_command("netsh wlan show interfaces | findstr SSID").replace("\r", "") ssid = re.findall(r"[^B]SSID\s+:\s(.*)", ssid)[0] return ssiddef get_password(ssid): if sys.platform == "darwin": password = run_command(f"security find-generic-password -l \"{ssid}\" -D 'AirPort network password' -w") password = password.replace("\n", "") elif sys.platform == "linux": # Check if the user is running with super user privilages if os.geteuid() != 0: print_error(f"You need to run '{sys.argv[0]}' as root") password = run_command(f"cat /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/{ssid} | grep psk=") password = password.replace("\n", "") elif sys.platform == "win32": password = run_command(f"netsh wlan show profile name=\"{ssid}\" key=clear | findstr Key").replace("\r", "") password = re.findall(r"Key Content\s+:\s(.*)", password)[0] if password == "": print_error("Cound not find password") return passworddef generate_qr_code(ssid, password, image=True): # Source: https://git.io/JtLIv text = f"WIFI:T:WPA;S:{ssid};P:{password};;" qr = qrcode.QRCode(version=1, error_correction=qrcode.constants.ERROR_CORRECT_L, box_size=10, border=4) qr.add_data(text) if image: file_name = ssid.replace(" ", "_") + ".png" img = qr.make_image() img.save(file_name) print(f"QR code has been saved to {file_name}") else: qr.make() qr.print_tty()def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage='%(prog)s [options]') parser.add_argument('--qrcode', "-q", action="store_true", default=False, help="Don't generate a QR code") parser.add_argument('--image', "-i", action="store_true", default=False, help="Create QR code as image instead of showing it on the terminal") parser.add_argument('--ssid', "-s", default=get_ssid(), help="Specify a SSID that you have previously connected to") parser.add_argument('--version', action="store_true", help="Show version number") args = parser.parse_args() if args.version: print(__version__) password = get_password(args.ssid) if args.qrcode: args.no_password = True generate_qr_code(args.ssid, password, image=args.image) return ssid = get_ssid() print(password) generate_qr_code(ssid, password)if __name__ == "__main__": main()
- requirements.txt
pip3 install -r requirements.txtpython3 wifi.py
- 生成一个以SSID命名的二维码图片文件