- PHP 手册
- 函数参考
- 变量与类型相关扩展
- Filter
- 范例
示例 #1 Validating email addresses with filter_var()
$email_a = 'joe@example.com';
$email_b = 'bogus';
if (filter_var($email_a, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
echo "Email address '$email_a' is considered valid.\n";
if (filter_var($email_b, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
echo "Email address '$email_b' is considered valid.\n";
} else {
echo "Email address '$email_b' is considered invalid.\n";
Email address 'joe@example.com' is considered valid. Email address 'bogus' is considered invalid.
示例 #2 Validating IP addresses with filter_var()
$ip_a = '';
$ip_b = '42.42';
if (filter_var($ip_a, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP)) {
echo "IP address '$ip_a' is considered valid.";
if (filter_var($ip_b, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP)) {
echo "IP address '$ip_b' is considered valid.";
IP address '' is considered valid.
示例 #3 Passing options to filter_var()
$int_a = '1';
$int_b = '-1';
$int_c = '4';
$options = array(
'options' => array(
'min_range' => 0,
'max_range' => 3,
if (filter_var($int_a, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, $options) !== FALSE) {
echo "Integer A '$int_a' is considered valid (between 0 and 3).\n";
if (filter_var($int_b, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, $options) !== FALSE) {
echo "Integer B '$int_b' is considered valid (between 0 and 3).\n";
if (filter_var($int_c, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, $options) !== FALSE) {
echo "Integer C '$int_c' is considered valid (between 0 and 3).\n";
$options['options']['default'] = 1;
if (($int_c = filter_var($int_c, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, $options)) !== FALSE) {
echo "Integer C '$int_c' is considered valid (between 0 and 3).";
Integer A '1' is considered valid (between 0 and 3). Integer C '1' is considered valid (between 0 and 3).
User Contributed Notes 3 notes
up down -4 nora@nora ¶1 year ago
this function gives true to nora@nora when ther is no "extension" .com
Anonymous ¶4 years ago
the problem listed before with the e-mail address: gnix@lineone.netsteve.gynes@lane4.co.uk being flagged as valid seems to not be a problem anymore, at least not on 5.6.30
dows ¶4 years ago
It considers umlauts-domains as invalid.
test@täst.de -> false
täst@test.de -> false
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