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PHP - Manual: Rar

来源:网络转载 浏览:23658次 时间:2024-02-06
简介 » « PharException
  • PHP 手册
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  • 压缩与归档扩展

Rar Archiving

  • 简介
  • 安装/配置
    • 需求
    • 安装
    • 运行时配置
    • 资源类型
  • 预定义常量
  • 范例
  • Rar 函数
    • rar_wrapper_cache_stats — Cache hits and misses for the URL wrapper
  • RarArchive — The RarArchive class
    • RarArchive::close — Close RAR archive and free all resources
    • RarArchive::getComment — Get comment text from the RAR archive
    • RarArchive::getEntries — Get full list of entries from the RAR archive
    • RarArchive::getEntry — Get entry object from the RAR archive
    • RarArchive::isBroken — Test whether an archive is broken (incomplete)
    • RarArchive::isSolid — Check whether the RAR archive is solid
    • RarArchive::open — Open RAR archive
    • RarArchive::setAllowBroken — Whether opening broken archives is allowed
    • RarArchive::__toString — Get text representation
  • RarEntry — The RarEntry class
    • RarEntry::extract — Extract entry from the archive
    • RarEntry::getAttr — Get attributes of the entry
    • RarEntry::getCrc — Get CRC of the entry
    • RarEntry::getFileTime — Get entry last modification time
    • RarEntry::getHostOs — Get entry host OS
    • RarEntry::getMethod — Get pack method of the entry
    • RarEntry::getName — Get name of the entry
    • RarEntry::getPackedSize — Get packed size of the entry
    • RarEntry::getStream — Get file handler for entry
    • RarEntry::getUnpackedSize — Get unpacked size of the entry
    • RarEntry::getVersion — Get minimum version of RAR program required to unpack the entry
    • RarEntry::isDirectory — Test whether an entry represents a directory
    • RarEntry::isEncrypted — Test whether an entry is encrypted
    • RarEntry::__toString — Get text representation of entry
  • RarException — The RarException class
    • RarException::isUsingExceptions — Check whether error handling with exceptions is in use
    • RarException::setUsingExceptions — Activate and deactivate error handling with exceptions
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