European Investment Bank(欧洲投资银行)
The European Investment Bank is the European Union’ bank. Its mission is to promote EU’s objectives by providing long-term financing on favourable terms for viable projects.
www.eib.org - 2019-12-08欧洲议会(Council of Europe)
The Council of Europe brings together 47 states to protect and promote human rights and democracy. It works by setting legal standards for the whole European continent.
www.coe.int - 2019-12-08The Group of 77(77国集团)
Caucus organization helps developing states pursue common goals and develop leverage in United Nations deliberations.
www.g77.org - 2019-12-08G8 Online(八国集团)
G8 bietet viele Informationen zu den G8 Staaten und zusätzlichen Nachrichten aus aller Welt zu den Themen Sport, Shopping, Wirtschaft und Politik.
www.g8online.org - 2019-12-08不结盟运动(Non Aligned Movement)
The first Conference of Non-Aligned Heads of State, at which 25 countries were represented, was convened at Belgrade in September 1961, largely through the initiative of Yugoslavian President Tito. He had expressed concern that an accelerating arms race might result in war between the Soviet Union a
www.nam.gov.za - 2019-12-08Organization of American States(美洲国家组织)
The Organization of American States (OAS) is the world\'s oldest regional organization, dating back to the First International Conference of American States, held in Washington, D.C., from October 1889 to April 1890.
www.oas.org - 2019-12-08NATO(北大西洋公约组织)
An alliance of countries from North America and Europe committed to fulfilling the goals of the North Atlantic Treaty signed on 4 April 1949.
www.nato.int - 2019-12-08Commonwealth Secretariat(联邦秘书处)
An association of 54 independent states consulting and co-operating in the common interests of their peoples and in the promotion of international understanding.
www.thecommonwealth.org - 2019-12-08常德市人民政府www.changde.gov.cn
常德新闻网,常德,常德市人民政府电子政务管理办公室, 常德市人民政府新闻办公室,常德门户网站,湘西北最大的综合门户网站,服务热线0736-7755111,湖南常德新闻,常德图片,常德市民留言,图说常德,部门回复,区县动态,常德旅游, 民生, 常德热点专题, 便民查询服务, 社会都市, 人物, 政法, 美食, 名优企业
www.changde.gov.cn - 2019-12-08
- PHP - Manual: event_base_new
- PHP - Manual: magic_quotes_runtime
- PHP - Manual: HaruPage::setLineCap
- PHP - Manual: MysqlndUhConnection::killConnection
- PHP - Manual: dbplus_xunlockrel
- PHP - Manual: gupnp_root_device_start
- PHP - Manual: MysqlndUhConnection::getStatistics
- PHP - Manual: MysqlndUhConnection::connect
- PHP - Manual: Beyond TTL: user-defined storage
- PHP - Manual: CairoStatus