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现在,就直接把SSC Archive里的命令列出来,这样你可以在闲时间(例如,乘坐高铁、上洗手间)看看相关命令。文后列出了动态更新的SSC Archive页面。
S458928 _GWMEAN: Stata module to compute optionally weighted means
by Gueorgui I. Kolev
S458927 MULTIVRS: Stata module to conduct multiverse analysis
by Cristobal Young & Katherine Holsteen
S458926 HETSAR: Stata module to estimate spatial autoregressive models with heterogeneous coefficients
by Federico Belotti
S458925 ODKEXPORT: Stata module to export xlsForms to readable docx or xlsx files
by Anna Reuter
S458924 MYAXIS: Stata module to reorder categorical variable by specified sort criterion
by Nicholas J. Cox
S458923 XFRAMEAPPEND: Stata module to append data frames to the end of the current data frame
by Roger Newson
S458922 CIRCULARKDE: Stata module to perform kernel density estimation for circular data
by Isaias Hazarmabeth Salgado-Ugarte & Verónica Mitsui Saito-Quezada & Marco Aurelio Pérez-Hernández
S458921 COUNTVALUES: Stata module to list counts of integer values across variables
by Nicholas J. Cox
S458920 INLIST2: Stata module to create an inlist() dummy, without the inlist() limitations
by Matteo Pinna
S458919 SONGBL: Stata module to search and share Stata resources and blogs
by Song Bolin
S458918 MIMPT: Stata module to impute missing values and persist in case of non-convergence
by Daniel Klein
S458917 QREGPLOT: Stata module for plotting coefficients of a Quantile Regression
by Fernando Rios-Avila
S458916 TVGC: Stata module to perform Time-Varying Granger Causality tests
by Jesús Otero & Christopher F Baum & Stan Hurn
S458915 XTIVDFREG: Stata module to perform defactored instrumental variables estimation of large panel data models
by Sebastian Kripfganz & Vasilis Sarafidis
S458914 LMTEST: Stata module to perform Lagrange multiplier test after constrained maximum likelihood estimation
by Harald Tauchmann
S458913 STACKREG: Stata module to perform stacked linear regression analysis to facilitate testing of multiple hypotheses
by Harald Tauchmann & Michael Oberfichtner
S458912 SWINDEX: Stata module to create a standardized weighted index of multiple indicator variables
by Benjamin Schwab & Sarah Janzen & Nicholas P. Magnan & William M. Thompson
S458911 CNGDF: Stata module to calculate any base period GDP deflator for China
by Song Bolin
S458910 DUBOIS: Stata module to provide Du Bois graphic scheme
by Charlie Eaton & Jay Colond & Ruben Gonzalez & Waleed Rajabally
S458909 TWFEM: Stata module to efficiently estimate a two-way fixed effects model based on Somaini and Wolak (2015)
by Paulo Somaini & Frank A. Wolak
S458908 PCDID: Stata module to perform principal components difference-in-differences
by Marc Chan & Simon Kwok
S458907 MCWR: Stata module to compute Markov chain with rewards calculations
by Daniel C. Schneider & Mikko Myrskylä & Alyson van Raalte
S458906 MKPROJECT: Stata module to create a project folder with some boilerplate code and research log
by Maarten L. Buis
S458905 ITVALPCTILE: Stata module for estimation of interval-valued percentiles (quantiles) for interval-valued data
by Arie Beresteanu & Yuya Sasaki
S458904 EEFANALYTICS: Stata module for Evaluating Educational Interventions using Randomised Controlled Trial Designs
by Dimitris Vallis & Akansha Singh & Germaine Uwimpuhwe & Steve Higgins & ZhiMin Xiao & Ewoud De Troyer & Adetayo Kasim
S458903 XTITSA: Stata module for performing interrupted time-series analysis for panel data
by Ariel Linden
S458902 PERSUASIO: Stata module to estimate the effect of persuasion and conduct inference
by Sung Jae Jun & Sokbae Lee
S458901 XTBALANCE2: Stata module to create a balanced subsample from unbalanced panel data
by Jan Ditzen
S458900 DEPENDENCIES: Stata module to manage required user-written commands (ado version freeze)
by Diana Goldemberg
S458899 RIOC: Stata module to compute Relative improvement over chance (RIOC)
by Daniel Klein
S458898 CSRANKS: Stata module to construct uniformly asymptotically valid confidence sets on ranks
by Evan Soltas
S458897 KOTLARSKI: Stata module to execute deconvolution kernel density estimation and produce a robust construction of its uniform confidence band
by Kengo Kato & Yuya Sasaki & Takuya Ura
S458896 TESENSITIVITY: Stata module for assessing sensitivity to the unconfoundedness assumption
by Linqi Zhang & Paul Diegert & Matthew A. Masten & Alexandre Poirier
S458895 ROBMV: Stata module for robust multivariate estimation of location and covariance
by Ben Jann & Vincenzo Verardi & Catherine Vermandele
S458894 WHITTLE: Stata module to compute long-memory parameter via Whittle method
by Christopher F Baum & Stan Hurn & Kenneth Lindsay
S458893 RECOCL: Stata module to recode municipal codes for Chile (CL)
by Daniel Pailañir Vargas
S458892 PYCONVERTU: Stata module to convert a string variable into a classification from the default or user-provided JSON file with the help of Python 3
by Ilya Bolotov
G00018 OPTVTAM: GAUSS module for Option Pricing via Two Alternative Methods
by Abdulnasser Hatemi-J & Alan Mustafa
T7415019 ANNINPTSIGTEST: MATLAB function to test the statistical significance of inputs
by Shapour Mohammadi
T7415018 HARMMULTICOLINTST: MATLAB function to analyze collinearity
by Shapour Mohammadi
T7415017 ANNNONLINTST: MATLAB function to perform nonlinearity test for univariate and multivariate time series
by Shapour Mohammadi
T7415016 NONLINTSTMLTVAR: MATLAB function to perform nonlinearity tests for multivariate time series
by Shapour Mohammadi
T7415015 NONLINTST: MATLAB function to perform nonlinearity tests for univariate time series
by Shapour Mohammadi
T7415014 ANNEARLY: MATLAB function to forecast univariate time series
by Shapour Mohammadi
S458891 MRSPREP: Stata module to estimate marginal relative survival models
by Paul Lambert
S458890 ARHOMME: Stata module to estimate Arellano and Bonhomme quantile selection model
by Martin Biewen & Pascal Erhardt
S458889 ACREG: Stata module to perform Arbitrary Correlation Regression
by Fabrizio Colella & Rafael Lalive & Seyhun Sakalli & Mathias Thoenig
S458888 SHAKESPEARE: Stata module to randomly generate quotes from the Bard of Avon
by Kevin Denny
S458887 RKQTE: Stata module for estimation and robust inference for quantile treatment effects (QTE) in regression kink designs (RKD)
by Heng Chen & Harold. D. Chiang & Yuya Sasaki
S458886 LOGITTORISK: Stata module for conversion of logistic regression output to differences and ratios of risk
by Luis Furuya-Kanamori & Suhail AR Doi
S458885 IPABCSTATS: Stata module to compare survey and back check data, producing an Excel output of comparisons and error rates
by Ishmail Azindoo Baako & Rosemarie Sandino
S458884 FLEXPANELDID: Stata module to perform causal analysis of treatments with varying start dates and durations
by Eva Dettmann & Alexander Giebler & Antje Weyh
S458882 RRR: Stata module to perform Reduced rank regression
by Bang Zheng & Canqing Yu
S458881 XTMIPOLATEU: Stata module to replace missing values in a time series, two- or multidimensional varlist with interpolated (extrapolated) ones
by Ilya Bolotov
S458880 XTIMPORTU: Stata module to import monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or yearly time series and panel data as panelvar timevar valuevar from a supported file format to memory or a file
by Ilya Bolotov
S458879 DICHOCT: Stata module to dichotomizes a variable at a specified centile and generates a new variable containing the dichotomized values
by Dirk Enzmann
S458878 LIANXH: Stata module to Search and share Stata resources and blogs within Stata Command Window
by Lian Yu-jun & Junjie Kang & Qingqing Liu
S458877 TTABLE3: Stata module to perform Mean or Median Comparison
by Lian Yu-jun
S458876 REGFIT: Stata module to Output The Equation of a Regression
by Liu Wei & Lian Yu-jun
S458875 CHOWTEST: Stata module to perform Chow test for structural break
by Qunyong Wang
S458874 DSTAT: Stata module to compute summary statistics and distribution functions including standard errors and optional covariate balancing
by Ben Jann
S458873 HAIKU: Stata module to randomly produce haikus
by Prashansa Srivastava
S458872 SPATIAL_HAC_IV: Stata module to estimate an instrumental variable regression, adjusting standard errors for spatial correlation, heteroskedasticity, and autocorrelation
by Tim Foreman
S458871 TESTJFE: Stata module to perform test for instrument validity in the judge fixed effects design
by Brigham Frandsen
S458870 SUMMARIZEBY: Stata module to use statsby functionality with summarize
by Ilya Bolotov
S458869 VALLABFRAME: Stata module to convert a list of value labels to variables in a new data frame
by Roger Newson
S458868 MOTIVATEDOLLY: Stata module to provide quotes, lyrics and links to motivational songs from Dolly Parton
by Bailey Palmer
S458867 IPDFC: Stata module to reconstruct individual participant data from a published Kaplan-Meier curve
by Yinghui Wei & Patrick Royston
S458866 ISCOIL: Stata module to recode Israeli CBS occupation standard classification into ISCO-08 occupational classification
by Eyal Bar-Haim
S458865 REG2LOGIT: Stata module to approximate logistic regression parameters using OLS linear regression
by Paul T. von Hippel & Richard Williams & Paul Allison
S458864 YALESCHEME: Stata module providing a modern Stata scheme for Yale University-branded data visualizations
by Aaron Wolf
S458863 WCBREGRESS: Stata module to estimate a Linear Regression Model with Clustered Errors Using the Wild Cluster Bootstrap Standard Errors
by Zizhong Yan & Bingkun Lin
S458862 ENCODELABEL: Stata module to encode string variable into categorical variable
by Daniel Klein
S458861 OMEGA: Stata module to calculate the omega reliability coefficient
by Brian Shaw
S458860 CROSSVALIDATE: Stata module to perform k-fold crossvalidation
by Matthias Schonlau
S458859 GRIDSEARCH: Stata module to optimize tuning parameter levels with a grid search
by Matthias Schonlau
S458858 MTAB: Stata module to store results in a matrix
by Chunsen Wu
S458857 PSREG: Stata module for blocking with regression adjustments
by Martina Bazzoli & Silvia De Poli & Daniela Piazzalunga
S458856 GHAZAL_GUZZLER: Stata module for ghazal guzzling Stata users
by Prashansa Srivastava
S458855 BINSCATTERHIST: Stata module to produce binned scatterplot with marginal histograms
by Matteo Pinna
S458854 SXPOSE2: Stata module to transpose string and numeric variable dataset including variable names and labels
by Stephan Huber
S458853 MHTREG: Stata module for multiple hypothesis testing controlling for FWER
by Andreas Steinmayr
S458852 CQUADR: Stata module to estimate Quadratic Exponential models running the cquad R package
by Francesco Bartolucci & Claudia Pigini & Francesco Valentini
S458851 BAING: Stata module to determine and estimate the number of common factors following Bai and Ng
by Héctor M. Núñez & Jesús Otero
S458850 OCMT: Stata module to perform multiple testing approach in high-dimensional linear regression
by Héctor M. Núñez & Jesús Otero
S458849 STMT: Stata module to model multiple timescales using flexible parametric survival models on the log-hazard scale
by Hannah Bower & Therese M-L Andersson & Michael J. Crowther & Paul Lambert
S458848 CARE: Stata module to randomly generate helpful tips to keep you on top of your mental wellbeing
by Prashansa Srivastava
S458847 HEART: Stata module to make coding fun and accessible
by Prashansa Srivastava
S458846 DADJOKE: Stata module to produce terrible dad jokes
by Shambhavi Priyam
S458845 CUSUM9: Stata module to compute cusum, cusum^2 stability tests
by Christopher F Baum
S458844 CLAN: Stata module to perform cluster-level analysis of cluster randomised trials
by Stephen Nash & Jennifer Thompson & Baptiste Leurent
S458843 OSGEN: Stata module to add Python os_stat() file attributes to a xdir resultsset
by Roger Newson
S458842 PWEXP: Stata module to fit piecewise exponential model
by Allen Buxton
S458841 CLUS_NWAY: Stata module to perform Multi-way Clustering for Various Model Specifications
by Paul J. Wolfson & Adam Kleinbaum
S458840 ARIMASEL: Stata module to compute selection criteria for ARMA(p,q) models
by Christopher F Baum
S458839 KINKYREG: Stata module to perform kinky least squares estimation and inference
by Sebastian Kripfganz & Jan F. Kiviet
S458838 QREGSEL: Stata module to estimate quantile regression corrected for sample selection
by Ercio Munoz & Mariel Siravegna
S458837 METASTRONG: Stata module for estimating the proportion of true effect sizes above or below a threshold in random-effects meta-analysis
by Ariel Linden
S458836 RADF: Stata module to calculate unit root tests for explosive behaviour
by Jesús Otero & Christopher F Baum
S458835 SPNORM: Stata module to plot Shaded Percentiles of Normal Distributions
by Nicola Orsini
S458834 R_TO_D: Stata module for converting Pearson's r to Cohen's d
by Ariel Linden
S458833 EVENTSTUDYWEIGHTS: Stata module to estimate the implied weights on the cohort-specific average treatment effects on the treated (CATTs) (event study specifications)
by Liyang Sun
S458832 METAPRED: Stata module producing outlier and influence diagnostics for meta-analysis
by Ariel Linden
S458831 R_ML_STATA: Stata module to implement machine learning regression in Stata
by Giovanni Cerulli
S458830 C_ML_STATA: Stata module to implement machine learning classification in Stata
by Giovanni Cerulli
S458829 DOPTIMAL: Stata module to find the D-optimal Design for Dose Ranging studies
by Adrian Mander
S458828 GRSFTEST: Stata module to perform the Gibbons, Ross, Shanken test of mean-variance efficiency of asset returns
by Mengnan Zhu
S458827 SILVERMTEST: Stata module to perform Silverman (1981) multimodality test
by Isaias Hazarmabeth Salgado-Ugarte & Verónica Mitsui Saito-Quezada
S458826 MYCOLOURS: Stata module for setting a palette of colours through local macros
by Nicholas J. Cox
S458825 STACKEDCOUNT: Stata module to produce a stacked area graph
by Cameron Campbell
S458824 DIAGSAMPSI: Stata module for computing sample size for a single diagnostic test with a binary outcome
by Ariel Linden
S458823 ENCODER: Stata module to encode strings into numerics with the option to replace
by David Tannenbaum
S458822 PIPE: Stata module to perform a curve-free dual-agent dose-escalation design
by Adrian Mander
S458821 RANDCOEF: Stata module to estimate correlated random effects and correlated random coefficients models
by Oscar Barriga Cabanillas & Jeffrey D. Michler & Aleksandr Michuda & Emilia Tjernström
S458820 MARKUPEST: Stata module for markup estimation via Micro and Macro approaches
by Gabriele Rovigatti
S458819 KIT_LIVINGINCOME: Stata module providing Tables and Bar charts of the Gap to the Living Income Benchmark
by Marcelo Tyszler & Carlos de los Rios
S458818 SKEWREG: Stata module to estimate skewness and kurtosis regressions
by Qiang Chen
S458817 RESP: Stata module to compute Index of Relative Specialization
by Joel E. H. Fuchs
S458816 XTSEL: Stata module for selection of variables and specification in a panel-data framework
by Alfonso Ugarte Ruiz
S458815 DIAGMA: Stata module for the split component synthesis method of diagnostic meta-analysis
by Luis Furuya-Kanamori & Suhail AR Doi
S458814 ICW_INDEX: Stata module to aggregate the variables included in the varlist into an index
by Adrien Bouguen & Tereza Varejkova
S458813 MIVCAUSAL: Stata module for testing the hypothesis about the signs of the 2SLS weights
by Conroy Lau & Alexander Torgovitsky
S458812 MTPI: Stata module for the modified Toxicity Probability Interval design
by Adrian Mander
S458811 DICT: Stata module to loop over multiple arguments
by Daniel Alves Fernandes
S458810 MULTIDENSITY: Stata module for kernel density estimation for many variables or groups
by Nicholas J. Cox
S458809 GCROBUSTVAR: Stata module to compute a VAR-based Granger-causality Test in the Presence of Instabilities
by Barbara Rossi & Yiru Wang
S458808 IVDESC: Stata module to profile compliers and non-compliers for instrumental variable analysis
by Moritz Marbach
S458807 RMHBOUNDS: Stata module to refine mhbounds to remove the cap on the number of strata and replace the large sample approximation for E and V with exact moments
by Daniel Litwok
S458806 FIXEDRHO: Stata module to estimate treatment and selection models with fixed rho
by Jonathan Cook
S458805 UNDERID: Stata module producing postestimation tests of under- and over-identification after linear IV estimation
by Mark E Schaffer & Frank Windmeijer
S458804 TRANSPLOT: Stata module producing plots for trying out transformations
by Nicholas J. Cox
S458803 POWERMAP: Stata module to create power heat maps for experimental design using multiple periods
by Cristhian Pulido
S458802 GRVAR: Stata module to apply a non-constant growth rate to a variable
by Daniel Pailañir Vargas
S458801 RWRMED: Stata module for performing causal mediation analysis using regression-with-residuals
by Ariel Linden & Chuck Huber & Geoffrey T. Wodtke
S458800 RPAXIOMS: Stata module to test and evaluate axioms of revealed preferences
by Marcos Demetry & Per Hjertstrand & Matthew Polisson
S458799 FIND_INDEX: Stata module to determine the index (observation number) of an observation that satisfies a specified condition
by David Kantor
S458798 CV_KFOLD: Stata module to implement k-fold cross-validation procedures
by Fernando Rios-Avila
S458797 IVCRC: Stata module to implement the instrumental variables correlated random coefficients estimator
by David Benson & Matt Masten & Alexander Torgovitsky
S458796 ROSALI: Stata module to detect of response shift at item-level between two times of measurement
by Myriam Blanchin & Priscilla Brisson
S458795 BUNCHING: Stata module to use bunching to partially and point identify the elasticity of income with respect to tax rates
by Marinho Bertanha & Andrew H. McCallum & Nathan Seegert
S458794 METADTA: Stata module to perform fixed- and random-effects meta-analysis and meta-regression of diagnostic accuracy studies
by Victoria Nyawira Nyaga
S458793 REMR: Stata module to implement robust error meta-regression method for dose–response meta-analysis
by Luis Furuya-Kanamori & Chang Xu & Suhail AR Doi
S458792 ROBUSTPF: Stata module for robust estimation of production functions with errors in proxy variables
by Yingyao Hu & Guofang Huang & Yuya Sasaki
S458791 NPEIVREG: Stata module for estimation of nonparametric errors-in-variables (EIV) regression and construction of its uniform confidence band
by Kengo Kato & Yuya Sasaki
S458790 PPML_FE_BIAS: Stata module to provide bias corrections for Poisson Pseudo-Maximum Likelihood (PPML) gravity models with two-way and three-way fixed effects
by Tom Zylkin
S458789 RDQTE: Stata module for estimation and robust inference for quantile treatment effects (QTE) in regression discontinuity designs (RDD)
by Harold D. Chiang & Yu-Chin Hsu & Yuya Sasaki
S458788 CDECOMPOSE: Stata module to estimate canonical permanent-transitory state space models
by Yingyao Hu & Robert Moffitt & Yuya Sasaki
S458787 FILLMISSING: Stata module to fill missing values in numeric or string variables
by Attaullah Shah
S458786 CLUSTERSAMPSIM: Stata module to simulate cluster-randomized trial sample size requirements
by Jonathan Seiden
S458785 XAUTO: Stata module to input an extended version of the auto data
by Roger Newson
S458784 VARDISTINCT: Stata module to generate a variable representing the number(s) of distinct observations or values
by Harrison Garrett
S458783 QRKD: Stata module to estimate and produce robust inference for heterogeneous causal effects of a continuous treatment in quantile regression kink designs
by Harold D. Chiang & Yuya Sasaki
S458782 LBSVMAT: Stata module to create labeled variables from a matrix
by Fernando Rios-Avila
S458781 SVYSD: Stata module to compute pooled standard deviation weighted by within-group sample size
by Brian Shaw
S458780 MCES: Stata module for Marginal Comparison Effect Sizes
by Brian Shaw
S458779 XLINCOM: Stata module to estimate multiple linear combinations of parameters
by Wouter Wakker
S458778 SGINI: Stata module to compute Generalized Gini and Concentration coefficients, Gini correlations and fractional ranks
by Philippe Van Kerm
S458777 BIPOLAR: Stata module to calculate four measures of income bi-polarization
by Alessio Fusco & Philippe Van Kerm
S458776 DKDENSITY: Stata module for deconvolution kernel density estimation and construction of its uniform confidence band
by Kengo Kato & Yuya Sasaki
S458775 RELDIST: Stata module for relative distribution analysis
by Ben Jann
S458774 RANDCMD: Stata module to compute randomization inference p-values
by Alwyn Young
S458773 SENSEMAKR: Stata module to provide sensitivity tools for OLS
by Carlos Cinelli & Jeremy Ferwerda & Chad Hazlett
S458772 NPSS: Stata module to estimate nonparametric heteroskedastic state space models
by Irene Botosaru & Yuya Sasaki
S458771 INVDESC: Stata module to change variable attributes using a describe or descsave resultsset
by Roger Newson
S458770 XTHECKMANFE: Stata module to fit panel data models in the presence of endogeneity and selection
by Fernando Rios-Avila
S458769 ENFORCE: Stata module to force variables to satisfy a set of accounting identities
by Thomas Blanchet
S458768 XTUSREG: Stata module to estimate dynamic panel models under irregular time spacing
by Yuya Sasaki & Yi Xin
S458767 DESCLONG: Stata module to create and save a dataset holding variable information while including long variable labels
by Lars Angquist
S458766 REPORTERROR: Stata module to estimate true distribution from noisy measurements
by Yingyao Hu & Yuya Sasaki
S458765 PEERREVIEW: Stata module to randomly assign papers to peers for review
by Wouter Wakker
S458764 EPIMODELS: Stata module to implement epidemiological models and simulations
by Sergiy Radyakin & Paolo Verme
S458763 QRPROCESS: Stata module for quantile regression: fast algorithm, pointwise and uniform inference
by Victor Chernozhukov & Ivan Fernandez-Val & Blaise Melly
S458762 LFK: Stata module to compute LFK index and Doi plot for detection of publication bias in meta-analysis
by Luis Furuya-Kanamori & Suhail AR Doi
S458761 MAP: Stata module to map string variables using an external dictionary file
by Daniel Alves Fernandes
S458760 GHSURV: Stata module for the estimation of survival model using repeated cross-sectional data
by Fernando Rios-Avila
S458759 IVREG_SS: Stata module to compute confidence intervals, standard errors, and p-values in an IV regression in which the excluded instrumental variable has a shift-share structure
by Rodrigo Adão & Michal Kolesár & Eduardo Morales & Xiang Zhang
S458758 REG_SS: Stata module to compute confidence intervals, standard errors, and p-values in a linear regression in which the regressor of interest has a shift-share structure
by Rodrigo Adão & Michal Kolesár & Eduardo Morales & Xiang Zhang
S458757 SGPV: Stata module to calculate Second-Generation P-Value(s) (SGPV) and their associated diagnosis
by Sven-Kristjan Bormann
S458756 NW_PROJECTION: Stata module to project a bipartite network into one of its two dimensions
by Charlie Joyez
S458755 CLUSTER2: Stata module to perform power analysis for two-level cluster randomized trials
by Wael Moussa
S458754 RASSIGN: Stata module to perform regression-based test for random assignment to peer groups
by Koen Jochmans & Vincenzo Verardi
S458753 TOLONG: Stata module to provide a faster reshape long
by Rafal Raciborski
S458752 EBCT: Stata module to perform entropy reweighting to create balanced samples for continuous treatments
by Stefan Tübbicke
S458751 DRCATE: Stata module to estimate and plot conditional average treatment effect functions with uniform confidence bands using a doubly robust method
by Sokbae Lee & Ryo Okui & Yoon-Jae Whang & Heejun Lee
S458750 MMQREG: Stata module to estimate quantile regressions via Method of Moments
by Fernando Rios-Avila
S458749 UIRT_SIM: Stata module to simulate data from unidimensional Item Response Theory models
by Bartosz Kondratek
S458748 XTPROBITUNBAL: Stata module to estimate Dynamic Probit Random Effects Models with Unbalanced Panels
by Pedro Albarran & Raquel Carrasco & Jesus M. Carro
S458747 F_ABLE: Stata module for the estimation of marginal effects with transformed covariates
by Fernando Rios-Avila
S458746 SENTINEL: Stata module for selecting sentinel variants from SNPs in a case-control study
by William D. Dupont & W. Dale Plummer, Jr. & Jeffrey R. Smith
S458745 XTENDOTHRESDPD: Stata module to estimate a Dynamic Panel Data Threshold Effects Model with Endogenous Regressors
by Diallo Ibrahima Amadou
S458744 LOUVAIN: Stata module to find communities in weighted graph
by Nikos Askitas
S458743 STPP: Stata module to compute Pohar-Perme non-parametric estimate of marginal relative (net) survival
by Paul Lambert
S458742 GENSTEST: Stata module to perform generalized S tests for models in the generalized method of moments framework
by Zachary L. Flynn & Leandro M. Magnusson
S458741 MBITOBIT: Stata module to fit bivariate Tobit regression
by Fernando Rios-Avila
S458740 PREDSURV: Stata module to compute predicted survival to a specified time after streg
by Roger Newson
S458739 CHARON: Stata module to redistribute deaths by ill-defined causes and garbage codes
by Alessandro Bigoni
S458738 MIXMIXLOGIT: Stata module to estimate mixed-mixed multinomial logit model
by Timothy Neal
S458737 EVENTDD: Stata module to panel event study models and generate event study plots
by Damian Clarke & Kathya Tapia Schythe
S458736 AEVOLCANO: Stata module to produce volcano plot for adverse event data
by Rachel Phillips & Suzie Cro
S458735 AEDOT: Stata module to produce dot plot for adverse event data
by Rachel Phillips & Suzie Cro
S458734 GINIINC: Stata module for measuring inequality from incomplete income and survival data
by Long Hong
S458733 AEFDR: Stata module to perform false discovery rate p-value adjustment for adverse event data
by Rachel Phillips & Suzie Cro
S458732 YRDIF: Stata module to calculate daily date differences
by Allen Buxton
S458731 KMEST: Stata module to compute Kaplan-Meier survival probabilities as estimation results
by Roger Newson
S458730 PANELHETERO: Stata module to examine the degree of heterogeneity across cross-sectional units using panel data
by Takahide Yanagi & Ryo Okui & Heejun Lee & Yue Yu & Sophie Li
S458729 CTA: Stata module for conducting Classification Tree Analysis
by Ariel Linden
S458728 ODA: Stata module for conducting Optimal Discriminant Analysis (Windows only)
by Ariel Linden
S458727 CUB: Stata module to estimate ordinal outcome model estimated by a mixture of a uniform and a shifted binomial
by Giovanni Cerulli
S458726 GETMXDATA: Stata module to import Mexican economic data
by Miguel Gonzalez
S438903 SWBLOCK: Stata module to perform parsimonious model selection in haplotype analysis
by Adrian Mander
G00017 PDBVRAR: GAUSS module to Construct Portfolios via the Maximization of the Risk Adjusted Return
by Abdulnasser Hatemi-J & Alan Mustafa
S4584707 SBMEFF: Stata module to estimate slack-based measure efficiency of decision-making units
by Kerry Du
S4584705 RQRS: Stata module to install required community-contributed packages
by Daniel Klein
S458725 ANYTHINGTODATE: Stata module to convert all types of date variables to Stata date variables
by Nobuaki Michihata
S458724 SPECCHECK: Stata module to check model specification
by Nikolai Cook
S458723 INEQORD: Stata module to calculate indices of inequality and polarization for ordinal data
by Stephen P. Jenkins
S458722 IMPORTSAV: Stata module to convert SPSS file to Stata
by JeongHoon Min
S458721 SUBLIME: Stata module to set up StataEditor (a package of Sublime Text) automatically
by JeongHoon Min
S458720 SPECC: Stata module to create specification curves
by Benjamin Daniels
S458718 CIWIDTH_PROPORTIONS_MC: Stata module to calculate precision and power for a CI-based comparison of two independent proportions (RD, RR, or OR)
by Mark Chatfield
S458717 METAFRAG: Stata module to compute the fragility index for meta-analysis
by Ariel Linden
S458716 MALMQ2: Stata module to compute Malmquist Productivity Index
by Kerry Du
S458715 HETTREATREG: Stata module to compute diagnostics for linear regression when treatment effects are heterogeneous
by Tymon Sloczynski
S458714 XTHST: Stata module to test slope homogeneity in large panels
by Jan Ditzen & Tore Bersvendsen
S458713 GGT: Stata module to implement Geweke, Gowrisankaran, and Town Model Quality Estimator
by Kelli Marquardt & Gautam Gowrisankaran & Robert Town
S458711 UDIFF: Stata module to estimate the generalized unidiff model for individual-level data
by Ben Jann & Simon Seiler
S458710 XTOOS: Stata module for evaluating the out-of-sample prediction performance of panel-data models
by Alfonso Ugarte Ruiz
S458709 BCSS: Stata module to create graphs to show how baseline data (prospective or retrospective) affect sample size for a cluster randomised trial
by Ella Marley-Zagar
S458708 FRAGILITY: Stata module to compute the fragility index and quotient
by Ariel Linden
S458706 WHICH_VERSION: Stata module to return location and programmer's version of ado-files
by Daniel Klein
S458704 CDFQUANTREG: Stata module for estimating generalized linear models for doubly-bounded random variables with cdf-quantile distributions
by Michael Smithson
S458703 SIMULATE2: Stata module enhancing and parallelising simulate
by Jan Ditzen
S458702 IGESETCI: Stata module to compute confidence intervals for partially identified intergenerational income elasticities (IGEs)
by Pablo Mitnik
S458701 IGESET: Stata module to estimate intergenerational income elasticities (IGEs) with a single set of instruments
by Pablo Mitnik
S458700 IGEINTB: Stata module to estimate intergenerational income elasticities (IGEs) with multiple sets of instruments
by Pablo Mitnik
S458699 REGGAE_MUSIC: Stata module for rasta Stata users
by Matteo Ruzzante
S458698 IVGRAVITY: Stata module containing method-of-moment IV estimators of exponential-regression models with two-way fixed effects from a cross-section of data on dyadic interactions and endogenous covariates
by Koen Jochmans & Vincenzo Verardi
S458697 DTA2MD: Stata module to convert Stata system file to metadata
by Klaus Pforr
S458696 TFDIFF: Stata module to compute pre- and post-treatment estimation of the Average Treatment Effect (ATE) with fixed binary treatment
by Giovanni Cerulli
S458695 XTPSSE: Stata module to estimate a conditional fixed-effects Poisson panel regression
by Marinho Bertanha
S458694 SEQFIND: Stata module to find the sequence of a numeric character within a variable list
by Ariel Linden
S458693 METAPREG: Stata module to compute fixed and random effects meta-analysis and meta-regression of proportions
by Victoria Nyawira Nyaga
S458692 XTSS: Stata module to estimate (S,s) rule regression models for panel data
by David Vincent
S458691 HPFILTER: Stata module to compute one-sided Hodrick-Prescott filter
by Narek Ohanyan
S458690 RHO_XTREGAR: Stata module to estimate a consistent and asymptotically unbiased autocorrelation coefficient for xtregar fixed-effects or random-effects linear model with an AR(1) disturbance
by Alexandre Cazenave-Lacroutz & Vieu Lin
S458689 COMPLEXITY: Stata module to compute complexity indexes from comparative advantage tables
by Charlie Joyez
S458688 EVALUE_ESTAT: Stata module for conducting postestimation sensitivity analyses of unmeasured confounding in observational studies
by Ariel Linden
S458686 TWBY: Stata module to create a cross-tabulation of graphs
by Maarten L. Buis
S458685 FRAMEAPPEND: Stata module to append frames
by Jeremy Freese
S458684 TSLSTARMOD: Stata module to estimate a Logistic Smooth Transition Autoregressive Regression (LSTAR) Model for Time Series Data
by Diallo Ibrahima Amadou
S458683 OSORT: Stata module to reorder variable(s) and sort data
by Joshua Sussman
S458682 CPIGET: Stata module to construct an annual CPI series based on a user-specified fiscal-year time span
by Christopher Candelaria & Kenneth Shores
S458681 BATCHER: Stata module to parallelize tasks (Windows only)
by Jesse Wursten
S458680 SOB: Stata module to perform second-order bootstrap standard error correction
by Jonathan Jensen
S458679 INEQDECGINI: Stata module to estimate Gini coefficient with optional decomposition by subgroups
by Stephen P. Jenkins
S458678 GE_GRAVITY: Stata module to solve a simple general equilibrium one sector Armington-CES trade model
by Tom Zylkin
S458677 REGMAIN: Stata module to perform Quasi-Maximum Likelihood Regression
by Jonathan Jensen
S458676 BACONDECOMP: Stata module to perform a Bacon decomposition of difference-in-differences estimation
by Andrew Goodman-Bacon & Thomas Goldring & Austin Nichols
S458675 NSCALE: Stata module to scale data
by JeongHoon Min
S458674 MMEIV: Stata module to perform Multiple Marginal Effects IV Estimation
by Carolina Caetano & Juan Carlos Escanciano & Alon Bergman
S458673 DOMME: Stata module to conduct dominance analysis with multiple equation models
by Joseph N. Luchman
S458672 IGINI1: Stata module to perform Gini index decomposition by individual and group
by Tim Liao
S458671 CLUSTER3: Stata module to perform power analysis for up to three-level cluster randomized trial
by Wael Moussa
S458670 XTCSE2: Stata module to estimate the exponent of cross-sectional dependence in large panels
by Jan Ditzen
S458669 ADFTEST: Stata module to perform ADF and Breusch-Godfrey tests
by Rafal Wozniak
S458668 RDEXO: Stata module to produces relevant estimates for testing the external validity of LATE
by Marinho Bertanha
S458667 BRMUNID: Stata module to standardize geocodes for Brazilian municipalities
by Alessandro Bigoni
S458666 WORDCB: Stata module to create a codebook in MS Word format
by Troy Payne
S458665 ISCOGEN: Stata module to translate ISCO codes
by Ben Jann
S458664 AANIV: Stata module to compute unbiased IV regression
by Austin Nichols
S458663 EVALUES: Stata module to calculate E-values
by Chunsen Wu
S458662 VCEMWAY: Stata module to adjust a Stata command's standard errors for multi-way clustering
by Ariel Gu & Hong Il Yoo
S458661 REPORT: Stata module to produce tables for XML
by Adrian Mander
S458660 MCIB: Stata module to estimate income distribution and inequality statistics from grouped data
by Paul A. Jargowsky
S458659 SCALE_TRANSFORMATION: Stata module to find a 6th-degree monotonic polynomial transformation for a test score scale
by Andres Yi Chang
S458658 XTABLE: Stata module for exporting table output to Excel
by Weverthon Machado
S458657 PSWEIGHT: Stata module to perform IPW- and CBPS-type propensity score reweighting, with various extensions
by Keith Kranker
S458656 CIC: Stata module to implement the Athey and Imbens (2006) Changes-in-Changes model
by Keith Kranker
S458655 CONCORDANCE: Stata module to harmonize classification codes
by Nicole Bellert & D. Fauceglia
S458654 MTEFE: Stata module to compute marginal treatment effects with factor variables
by Martin Eckhoff Andresen
S458653 KOBO2STATA: Stata module to create labelled Stata datasets from KoboToolbox
by Felix Schmieding
S458651 XTSPJ: Stata module for split-panel jackknife estimation
by Yutao Sun & Geert Dhaene
S458650 SVALUE: Stata module for computing and graphically displaying S-values against their respective P-values
by Ariel Linden
S458649 CIFUNCTION: Stata module for computing and graphically displaying all possible confidence intervals around a point estimate
by Ariel Linden
S458648 PMANAGE: Stata module to manage large projects
by José Andrés Jurado
S458647 SUBSET: Stata module to implement best covariates and stepwise subset selection
by Giovanni Cerulli
S458646 SRTREE: Stata module to implement regression trees via optimal pruning, bagging, random forests, and boosting methods
by Giovanni Cerulli
S458645 SCTREE: Stata module to implement classification trees via optimal pruning, bagging, random forests, and boosting methods
by Giovanni Cerulli
S458644 RSCRIPT: Stata module to call an R script from Stata
by David Molitor & Julian Reif
S458643 DID_MULTIPLEGT: Stata module to estimate sharp Difference-in-Difference designs with multiple groups and periods
by Clément de Chaisemartin & Xavier D'Haultfoeuille & Yannick Guyonvarch
S458642 XTSERIALPM: Stata module to perform a portmanteau test for serial correlation in panel data
by Koen Jochmans & Vincenzo Verardi
S458641 TWEXP: Stata module to estimate exponential-regression models with two-way fixed effects
by Vincenzo Verardi & Koen Jochmans
S458640 TWGRAVITY: Stata module to estimate exponential-regression models with two-way fixed effects from a cross-section of data on dyadic interactions
by Vincenzo Verardi & Koen Jochmans
S458639 GETREGSTATS: Stata module for computing all values in a regression table when only the coefficient and one other statistic is available
by Ariel Linden
S458638 XTAVPLOT: Stata module to produce added-variable plots for panel data estimation
by John Luke Gallup
S458637 AVCIPLOT: Stata module to produce added-variable plot with confidence intervals
by John Luke Gallup
S458636 REGALL: Stata module to run and compare all regressions derived from complete sets of regressors
by Paolo Verme
S458635 SUBSETBYVIF: Stata module to select a subset of covariates constrained by VIF
by W. Dale Plummer, Jr. & William D. Dupont
S458634 STNDZXAGE: Stata module to standardize by age
by Sarah Reynolds
S458633 TEXTFIND: Stata module to identify, analyze, and convert text entries into categorical data
by Andre Assumpcao
S458632 ULTIMATCH: Stata module to implement Nearest Neighbor, Radius, Coarsened Exact, Percentile Rank and Mahalanobis Distance Matching
by Thorsten Doherr
S458631 RETRODESIGN: Stata module to compute type-S (Sign) and type-M (Magnitude) errors
by Ariel Linden
S458630 ZIPPKG: Stata module to create ZIP archives of community-contributed content for offline distribution
by Daniel Bela
S458629 XTSUM2DOCX: Stata module to report summary statistics of panel data to a formatted table in the DOCX format
by Futoshi Narita
S458628 ESTUDY: Stata module to perform an event study
by Fausto Pacicco & Luigi Vena & Andrea Venegoni
S458627 OPPLOT: Stata module to generate a vertical bar chart to summarize a binary outcome in cluster survey data
by Dale Rhoda
S458626 NPIV: Stata module to perform Nonparametric instrumental-variable regression on a scalar endogenous regressor
by Denis Chetverikov & Dongwoo Kim & Daniel Wilhelm
S458625 MEANING: Stata module to use internet search for the meaning for a word or phrase
by Mehrab Ali
S458624 POWER_TWORATES_ZHU: Stata module to calculate sample size or power for a two-sample test of rates
by Mark Chatfield
S458623 XTGEEBCV: Stata module to compute bias-corrected (small-sample) standard errors for generalized estimating equations
by John A. Gallis & Fan Li & Elizabeth L. Turner
S458622 PPMLHDFE: Stata module for Poisson pseudo-likelihood regression with multiple levels of fixed effects
by Sergio Correia & Paulo Guimaraes & Thomas Zylkin
S458621 GBOXPLOT: Stata module to create Box plot for skewed or heavy-tailed distributions
by Christopher Bruffaerts & Vincenzo Verardi & Catherine Vermandele
S458620 ROBBOX: Stata module to compute generalized box plots
by Ben Jann & Vincenzo Verardi & Catherine Vermandele
S458619 EXPAND_N: Stata module to expand dataset
by Ed Selway
S458618 CENSUSAPI: Stata module to download Census data through the Census API
by Jesse Wursten
S458617 BIASEPI: Stata module to perform simple bias analysis, multidimensional bias analysis, and multiple bias modeling
by Chunsen Wu
S458616 LCLOGIT2: Stata module to estimate latent class conditional logit models
by Hong Il Yoo
S458615 HAMMOCK: Stata module to implement Hammock plot, visualizing categorical (and continuous) data
by Matthias Schonlau
S458614 RFOREST: Stata module to implement Random Forest algorithm
by Rosie Yuyan Zou & Matthias Schonlau
S458613 BMI: Stata module to compute Body Mass Index
by Ariel Linden
S458612 QUALTRICSLOAD: Stata module to download survey results from Qualtrics server and optionally convert to Stata dataset
by Nick Winter
S458611 TWOWAYFEWEIGHTS: Stata module to estimate the weights and measure of robustness to treatment effect heterogeneity attached to two-way fixed effects regressions
by Clement de Chaisemartin & Xavier D'Haultfoeuille & Antoine Deeb
S458610 CHARTAB: Stata module to tabulate character frequency counts
by Robert Picard
S458609 NEHURDLE: Stata module for estimation of models with corner solutions
by Alfonso Sánchez-Peñalver
S458608 SEQUENCE: Stata module for generating versatile numeric sequences
by Ariel Linden
S458607 ESIZEREG: Stata module for computing the effect size based on a linear regression coefficient
by Ariel Linden
S458606 STMD: Stata module to convert dynamic Markdown to HTML format, using Stata dyndoc
by Doug Hemken
S458605 DESMA: Stata module to design and simulate (adaptive) multi-arm clinical trials
by Michael J. Grayling
S458604 SCTO: Stata module to provide utility functions for data collected using SurveyCTO
by SurveyCTO
S458603 CNTRAVELTIME: Stata module to extract the time needed for traveling between two locations from Baidu Map
by Chuntao Li & Yuan Xue & Xueren Zhang
S458602 CNTOP10: Stata module to download information of top 10 shareholders for a list of stock codes from HeXun
by Chuntao Li & Xueli Sun & Yuan Xue
S458601 CNMAPSEARCH: Stata module to extract the specified information by keyword in a certain geographic range
by Chuntao Li & Yuan Xue & Xueren Zhang
S458599 RITEST: Stata module to perform randomization inference and permutation tests
by Simon Hess
S458598 HEATPLOT: Stata module to create heat plots and hexagon plots
by Ben Jann
S458597 COLRSPACE: Stata module providing a class-based color management system in Mata
by Ben Jann
S458596 CPRDHESAEUTIL: Stata module to input CPRD HES A&E linkage datasets into Stata
by Roger Newson
S458595 CPRDHESOPUTIL: Stata module to input CPRD HES/OP linkage datasets into Stata
by Roger Newson
S458594 ENTROPY: Stata module to compute Shannon, Renyi, HCT entropy & Hill numbers
by Muhammad Rashid Ansari
S458593 EDM: Stata module to implement empirical dynamic modeling
by Jinjing Li & Michael Zyphur & Patrick Laub & Edoardo Tescari & Simon Mutch & George Sugihara
S458592 EVALUE: Stata module for conducting sensitivity analyses for unmeasured confounding in observational studies
by Ariel Linden & Maya B. Mathur & Tyler J. VanderWeele
S458591 FOREST: Stata module to visualize results from multiple regressions on a single independent variable
by Benjamin Daniels
S458590 MAKEID: Stata module to create a unique ID for every observation in the dataset
by Benjamin Daniels
S458589 STATAID: Stata module to obtain and display information about running Stata instances under Microsoft Windows
by Jan Ditzen
S458588 COMTRADE: Stata module to download trade data from UN Comtrade using jsonio and parse the output in a user friendly format
by Jan Ditzen
S458587 HTMLTAB2STATA: Stata module to load html tables into Stata
by Jan Ditzen
S458586 CPRDONSUTIL: Stata module to input CPRD ONS-linkage datasets into Stata
by Roger Newson
S458585 CPRDLSOAUTIL: Stata module to input CPRD LSOA-linkage datasets into Stata
by Roger Newson
S458584 TXT2QR: Stata module to produce QR codes containing plain text
by Benjamin Daniels
S458583 SUMSTATS: Stata module to produce tables of summary statistics
by Benjamin Daniels
S458582 STATFLOW: Stata module for dynamically updating flowcharts in Excel
by Benjamin Daniels
S458581 OUTWRITE: Stata module to consolidate multiple regressions and export the results to a .xlsx, .xls, .csv, or .tex file
by Benjamin Daniels
S458580 KNAPSACK: Stata module to solve the knapsack problem
by Benjamin Daniels
S458579 ODKSPLIT: Stata module to split and label multiple response variables generated from ODK or SurveyCTO
by Mehrab Ali
S458578 CHECKIPADDRESSES: Stata module to detect Fraud in Online Surveys by Tracing and Scoring IP Addresses
by Nick Winter
G00016 PENTROPY: GAUSS module to compute Permutation Entropy point estimates of a time series
by Erica Clower & Miguel Henry
C00001 BETSIM: C module to compute simulations of betting market equilibrium
by Brian R. Adams & Frank W. Rusco & W. David Walls
S4584500 TRACKOBS: Stata module to keep a record of the number of observations in the current dataset
by Daniel Klein
S458652 TABSTAT2EXCEL: Stata module to export summary statistics generated from a tabstat command to an Excel spreadsheet
by Sara Ansari & Kabira Namit & Jonathan Seiden
S458577 RIF: Stata module to compute Recentered Influence Functions (RIF): RIF-Regression and RIF-Decomposition
by Fernando Rios-Avila
S458576 DEMOTIVATE: Stata module to remind users of the harsh reality of econometric & statistical practice
by Kevin Denny
S458575 EXPANDIHLP: Stata module to expand the help file preprocessor directive for substituting repeated material in a given help file
by Sven-Kristjan Bormann
S458574 RDCONT: Stata module to compute non-randomized approximate sign test of density continuity
by Ivan Canay
S458573 CRTREES: Stata module to compute Classification and Regression Trees algorithms
by Ricardo Mora
S458572 DYNARDL: Stata module to dynamically simulate autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) models
by Soren Jordan & Andrew Q. Philips
S458571 IVQREG2: Stata module to provide structural quantile function estimation
by J.A.F. Machado & J.M.C. Santos Silva
S458570 NICEWORDS: Stata module to pay compliments
by Joe Long
S458569 PMSAMPSIZE: Stata module to calculate the minimum sample size required for developing a multivariable prediction model
by Joie Ensor
S458568 CDO: Stata module to get an update when the dofile stalls
by Jesse Wursten
S458567 BFMCORR: Stata module for correcting surveys using tax data
by Thomas Blanchet & Ignacio Flores & Marc Morgan
S458566 BRAIN: Stata module to provide neural network
by Thorsten Doherr
S458565 MOTIVATE: Stata module providing motivation to users
by Kabira Namit
S458564 SVMACHINES: Stata module providing Support Vector Machines for both Classification and Regression
by Nick Guenther & Matthias Schonlau
S458563 HRIMVOL: Stata module providing simple option implied volatility calculator
by Zhiyong Li
S458562 EPRESENT: Stata module to present non-linear relationships in regression models with log or logit-link
by Till Ittermann
S458561 ADMETAN: Stata module to provide comprehensive meta-analysis
by David Fisher
S458560 BETTERBAR: Stata module to produce bar graphs with optional standard error bars and cross-group comparisons
by Benjamin Daniels
S458559 JFORMAT: Stata module to justify formats for a list of variables
by Roger Newson
S458558 ELABEL: Stata module to extend the label commands
by Daniel Klein
S458557 DTASTAMP: Stata module to store current date and time in dataset characteristics
by Roger Newson
S458556 DBNOMICS: Stata module for DB.nomics, the world's economic database
by Simone Signore
S458556a SVTXT: Stata module to store text in a parallel log file
by Dennis Lund Hansen
S458555 SVCOM: Stata module to save calculations and estimations in parallel log file
by Dennis Lund Hansen
S458554 PRTAB: Stata module to compute Precision-recall curves
by Jonathan Cook
S458553 NGRAM: Stata module to provide n-gram feature extractor
by Matthias Schonlau
S458552 CLUSTERGRAM: Stata module to produce graph for visualizing hierarchical and non-hierarchical cluster analyses
by Matthias Schonlau
S458551 PDC: Stata module for computing the Proportion of Days Covered (of a medication)
by Ariel Linden
S458550 METAMISS2: Stata module accounting for missing outcome data in meta-analysis
by Anna Chaimani & Ian White
S458549 FUZZYDID: Stata module to estimate Fuzzy Difference-in-Difference Designs
by Clément de Chaisemartin & Xavier D'Haultfoeuille & Yannick Guyonvarch
S458548 LASAGNA: Stata module to produce lasagna plots
by Geoff Dougherty
S458547 MPR: Stata module for computing the Medication Possession Ratio
by Ariel Linden
S458546 DRMETA: Stata module for dose-response meta-analysis
by Nicola Orsini
S458545 LAPLACEREG: Stata module to perform Laplace regression for censored data
by Matteo Bottai & Nicola Orsini
S458544 TSTF: Stata module to compute intervention time-series models
by Nicola Orsini & Xing-Wu Zhou
S458543 REU: Stata module to compute number of random error units (REU) in epidemiological studies
by Imre Janszky & Nicola Orsini
S458542 GZIPUTIL: Stata module to provide access to gzipped files
by Matthias Gomolka
S458541 BOOST: Stata module to perform boosted regression
by Matthias Schonlau
S458540 GENINTERACT: Stata module to generate N-way interaction terms
by Chao Wang
S458539 SENSIMATCH: Stata module to provide data-driven sensitivity analysis for Matching estimator
by Giovanni Cerulli
S458538 HTMLCB: Stata module to write a codebook as an html file
by Maarten L. Buis
S458537 LOOKFOR2: Stata module to search for string in variable names, variable labels, value labels, and notes
by Maarten L. Buis
S458536 RDPERMUTE: Stata module to perform a permutation test for the Regression Kink (RK) and Regression Discontinuity (RD) Design
by Simon Jäger & Peter Ganong
S458535 HEATMAPGRAPH: Stata module to measure the evolution of risks to financial stability over the financial cycle
by Maximo Sangiacomo
S458534 GENIDSEQ: Stata module for generating a numeric sequence to represent long identifiers
by Ariel Linden
S458533 STATACMDS: Stata module to produce list of all commands known to Stata, including fuctions and built-ins
by Daniel Bela
S458532 FILESEARCH: Stata module to recursively list files matching to a pattern or regular expression
by Daniel Bela
S458531 NICEEST: Stata module to export regression table to excel
by Mark Soe & Henrik Stovring
S458530 IVREGHDFE: Stata module for extended instrumental variable regressions with multiple levels of fixed effects
by Sergio Correia
S458529 EFOLDER: Stata module to easily create folders and/or subfolders
by Hou Xinshuo
S458528 ARDL: Stata module to perform autoregressive distributed lag model estimation
by Sebastian Kripfganz & Daniel C. Schneider
S458527 HOTDECKVAR: Stata module for hotdeck imputation
by Matthias Schonlau
S458526 SSAGGREGATE: Stata module to create shock-level aggregates for shift-share IV
by Kirill Borusyak & Peter Hull & Xavier Jaravel
S458525 SAE: Stata module to provide commands and mata functions devoted to unit level small area estimation
by Minh Nguyen & Paul Corral & Joao Pedro Azevedo & Qinghua Zhao
S458524 ROBSTAT: Stata module to compute robust univariate statistics
by Ben Jann & Vincenzo Verardi & Catherine Vermandele
S458523 XTQREG: Stata module to compute quantile regression with fixed effects
by J.A.F. Machado & J.M.C. Santos Silva
S458522 UCGOF: Stata module to perform univariate categorical goodness-of-fit tests
by Brent Hill
S458521 NETREG: Stata module to perform linear regression of a network response with the exchangeable assumption
by Dayou Luo
S458520 MULTIF: Stata module to construct multiple if-restrictions with the same value for different variables
by Sven-Kristjan Bormann
S458519 STCRMIX: Stata module to estimate Mixtures of Generalized Gamma Models for Competing Risks
by Perry Kuo & Usama Bilal & Alvaro Munoz
S458518 SCHEME_SCIENTIFIC: Stata module to provide a graphic scheme favored by many scientific journals
by Ariel Linden
S458517 EXCEL2LATEX: Stata module to convert Excel table to LaTeX table
by Guochang Zhao
S458516 RDS: Stata module for respondent driven sampling
by Matthias Schonlau
S458515 AUTOSUM: Stata module to produce automatic generation of a comparison table
by Sheung Yung
S458514 GTOOLS: Stata module to provide a fast implementation of common group commands
by Mauricio Caceres Bravo
S458513 LASTUPTO: Stata module to collapse a dataset to have 1 observation for each of a list of X-values
by Roger Newson
S458512 MULTISHELL: Stata module to allot do files and variations of loops across parallel instances of Windows Stata and computers efficiently
by Jan Ditzen
S458511 CV2: Stata module to calculate the coefficient of variation for variables
by Lorenz Graf-Vlachy
S458510 FILEUTILS: Stata module for faster file navigation
by Bill Rising
S458509 EXCELCLEAN: Stata module to clean and integrate excel files
by Lu Han
S458508 RASCHIFY: Stata module to transform 1PL model estimates to Rasch metric
by Rafal Raciborski
S458507 TWOSTEPWEAKIV: Stata module to implement two-step weak-instrument-robust confidence sets for linear instrumental-variable (IV) models
by Liyang Sun
S458506 DRM: Stata module to fit Sobel's Diagonal Reference Model (DRM)
by Caspar Kaiser
S458505 NUM2BASE26: Stata module to provide an interface to Mata's numtobase26() function
by Sven-Kristjan Bormann
S458504 DTALINK: Stata module to implement probabilistic record linkage
by Keith Kranker
S458503 MTEMORE: Stata module to compute Marginal Treatment Effects (MTE) With a Binary Instrument
by Amanda Kowalski & Yen Tran & Ljubica Ristovska
S458502 INTEGRATE_AQ: Stata module to do adaptive quadrature for integrals
by Adrian Mander
S458501 ITSARAND: Stata module for conducting randomization tests for single-case and multiple-baseline AB phase designs
by Ariel Linden
S458499 MEDSURV: Stata module to calculate the median survival time after Cox/Poisson regression
by Chao Wang
S458498 STOP: Stata module to interrupt dofiles intelligently (closes logfiles and optionally sends a message to your smartphone)
by Jesse Wursten
S458497 WELCOM: Stata module for simulating distributional impacts of changes in competition (WELCOM)
by Abdelkrim Araar & Eduardo Malasquez & Sergio Olivieri & Carlos Rodriguez Castelan
S458496 OVERDISP: Stata module to detect overdispersion in count-data models using Stata
by Luiz Paulo Fávero & PatrÌcia Belfiore
S458495 FHSAE: Stata module to fit an area level Fay-Herriot model
by Paul Corral & William Seitz & Joao Pedro Azevedo & Minh Cong Nguyen
S458494 FABPLOT: Stata module for plots for each subset with rest of the data as backdrop
by Nicholas J. Cox
S458493 MVNXPB: Stata module for computation of multivariate normal probabilities using bivariate conditioning
by Svetlana Mladenovic & Federico Belotti
S458492 ITSPOWER: Stata module for simulation based power calculations for linear interrupted time series (ITS) designs
by Evangelos Kontopantelis
S458491 MC: Stata module to calculate a matched concordance index
by Chao Wang
S458490 OESCH: Stata module to recode ISCO codes into Oesch class scheme
by Simon Kaiser
S458489 CEDESIGN: Stata module to find the optimal flexible two stage single-arm binary outcome design
by Adrian Mander
S458488 GCIGET: Stata module to read Global Competitiveness Index data into Stata
by Oleg Badunenko & Harald Tauchmann
S458487 MLR2SLS: Stata module for 2SLS estimation with multiple-LATEs robust standard error under treatment effect heterogeneity
by Seojeong Jay Lee & Dandan Yu
S458486 PMCALPLOT: Stata module to produce calibration plot of prediction model performance
by Joie Ensor & Kym IE. Snell & Emma C. Martin
S458485 SINGLEARM: Stata module supporting design and analysis of single-arm clinical trials
by Michael J. Grayling
S458484 SLOPEPOWER: Stata module to compute sample size and power calculator for rate outcomes
by Stephen Nash & Amy Mulick & Katy Morgan
S458483 RDROBUST: Stata module to provide robust data-driven inference in the regression-discontinuity design
by Sebastian Calonico & Matias D. Cattaneo & Max H. Farrell & Rocio Titiunik
S458482 JRULE: Stata module to detect model misspecifications in SEM
by Julian Aichholzer
S458481 ITSAPERM: Stata module to perform permutation tests for matched multiple group interrupted time series analysis
by Ariel Linden
S458480 PLZTOWKNR: Stata module to translate German zip codes into electoral districts
by Konstantin Glinitzer & Tobias Gummer & Malte Kaukal & Joss Roßmann
S458479 PFS: Stata module to predict Financial Skill scale scores from CFPB survey instrument
by Austin Nichols
S458478 MERLIN: Stata module to fit mixed effects regression for linear and non-linear models
by Michael J. Crowther
S458477 FISCAL_IMPOVERISHMENT: Stata module to estimate fiscal impoverishment and fiscal gains to the poor
by Sean Higgins
S458476 SAMPSI_GEHAN: Stata module to give the parameters of the single stage Gehan design
by Adrian Mander
S458475 GROUPFUNCTION: Stata module to replace several basic collapse functions
by Paul Corral & Minh Cong Nguyen & Joao Pedro Azevedo
S458474 DYADID: Stata module to perform Dyad ID matching
by Brendan Halpin
S458473 MORANSI: Stata module to compute Moran's I
by Keisuke Kondo
S458472 NORMALBVR: Stata module to generate Normal bivariate ridits
by Roger Newson
S458471 SUMMTAB: Stata module to compute summary statistics overall and/or across levels of a categorical variable
by John A. Gallis
S458470 MULTIMPORT: Stata module to import multiple non-Stata datafiles into memory, appending them automatically
by Alvaro Carril
S458469 CV_REGRESS: Stata module to estimate the leave-one-out error for linear regression models
by Fernando Rios-Avila
S458468 PUTDOCXCROSSTAB: Stata module to produce crosstabulations with putdocx
by Jan Brogger
S458467 DAG: Stata module to provide utilities for directed acyclic graphs
by Chunsen Wu
S458466 ASDOC: Stata module to create high-quality tables in MS Word from Stata output
by Attaullah Shah
S458465 XTPDYN: Stata module to estimate dynamic random effects probit model with unobserved heterogeneity
by Raffaele Grotti & Giorgio Cutuli
S458464 PUTDOCXFREQTABLE: Stata module to produce frequency oneway tables with putdocx
by Jan Brogger
S458463 ICIO: Stata module for Economic Analysis with Inter-Country Input-Output tables
by Federico Belotti & Alessandro Borin & Michele Mancini
S458462 EMC: Stata module providing prefix command estimating contrasts for effect modifier values
by Niels Henrik Bruun
S458461 RIFLE: St